Friday, September 13, 2013

All I Need by Susane Colasanti

All I Need by Susane Colasanti
"The last night of summer is only the beginning.

Skye wants to meet the boy who will change her life forever. Seth feels their instant connection the second he sees her. When Seth starts talking to Skye at the last beach party of the summer, it's obvious to both of them that this is something real. But when Seth leaves for college before they exchange contact info, Skye wonders if he felt the same way she did--and if she will ever see him again. Even if they find their way back to each other, can they make a long-distance relationship work despite trust issues, ex drama, and some serious background differences?"- summary from Amazon

I love Colasanti's books and it's such a treat getting a new one every year. She just writes these great swoon-worthy romances so well and this is no exception. It's a bit different in that it's a sort-of insta-love story, but Colasanti really makes it work. I think including the dual perspective really helps ground it a bit, as well as the long timeline. We spend more than a year with these characters as they work through their relationship and try to make it work long-distance and get past their own problems and insecurities.

Skye and Seth are wonderful characters and I'm sure readers will instantly fall in love with them and want to read their story. It's very compelling and such a perfect read to end the summer with. I wasn't able to put this book down; read it so quickly!

Overall, another winner from Colasanti, and I really like how she handled this kind of romance here. Cannot wait to read what she writes next!

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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