Friday, August 2, 2013

$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

I've got an awesome giveaway for you guys today! Cheryl and the folks at Appliances Online, a U.K. based appliance company, have kindly offered a $50 Amazon gift card for me to give away. All you have to do is just leave a comment on this post by Friday, August 9 at 9pm EST and you'll be entered; feel free to include what books you'll purchase with the card if you win (or whatever else you plan on buying). This contest is open to US & UK residents.


  1. Awesome giveaway! If I actually won, I'd probably use it to pay for textbooks. I think $50 would cover at least half of one. Haha.


  2. I'd buy books off my wishlist . . . maybe Macrieve by Kresley Cole?

  3. I would save it for the second book in The testing series....and for Allegiant (divergent trilogy)
    And i would buy my Dad the History book he has wanted for ages.

  4. Thanks for the chance. I'd probably use half for books on my wish list. There is a new Addison Fox book I had my eye on and use the other half to gets books for my son

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  5. Thank you for the giveaway! I would buy children's books

  6. So great - thank you :) I would get a chance finally get my hands on Lux series :D

  7. It would help a to pay for college textbooks and would mean a lot if I won

  8. I would buy some new music!

    tcrowley122 at hotmail dot com

  9. Oh man, I have a massive list of books that I would love to get. I would love to be able to read Meg Cabot's newest :)

  10. Thanks for the contest, I would buy some of the sequels and series books I am behind on eg:

    Sweet Peril, Dead Silence, If I Should Die, Imposter, Boundless.

    Theres heaps more, I just can't keep up with all the books in series coming out plus all the exciting new series starting.

  11. i'd love to buy some new workout clothes!


  12. ooo!! That is so awesome that you got a gift card to give away!

    I'm glad to be able to enter it!

    I think I will be buying the percy jackson series with it if I win, since the second movie is coming out. I've also been eye balling the maze runner and the 5th wave as well, so it is a tough decision!

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

  13. $50?! I could buy a lot of books I really wanted for a while ^^

  14. I would buy my son the rest of his school supplies, thanks for the chance to win (my email is jenpsht at gmail)

  15. Great giveaway I would buy school supplies

  16. I would really like to buy a copy of "Homage to a Broken Man" by Peter Mommsen! Heard great things about it.

  17. I've been wanting to buy Happy Happy Happy by Phil Robertson!


  18. I could get so many book.

  19. Oh I have always wanted to read the Richard Castle books! Oh and I really need to get the garbage truck kids book I Stink for my grandson who LOVES garbage trucks! LOL
    landfjacobson @

  20. I'm not sure what books I would get for sure.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
