Wednesday, August 21, 2013

3:59 by Gretchen McNeil

3:59 by Gretchen McNeil
"Josie Byrne's life is spiraling out of control. And just when she thinks it can't get worse, she wakes to an image of herself in the bedroom mirror. Except it's not her at all—the girl in the mirror is blonder and prettier. And her name is Jo.

The two girls are doppelgängers whose universes overlap every twelve hours at 3:59. Fascinated by Jo's perfect world, Josie jumps at the chance to pass through the portal and switch places for a day.

But Jo's world is far from perfect, and the stuff of nightmares lurks around every corner. And when Josie finds herself trapped there, her life becomes more dangerous—and more deadly—than she ever imagined."- summary from Amazon

I am going to do my best to not fanboy this book all over the place, but I may not be able to help myself. I was already a fan for life after reading her previous book Ten, but this book just confirmed it all over again. Seriously, it was that good.

I don't even know where to begin with all this awesomeness. First off, the concept alone of parallel universes is very cool and how they overlap every 12 hours? Genius! Secondly, it's a very creepy, compelling book so while you're wanting to put the book down for fear of nightmares, you can't because you want to find out what happens next and how/if it all works out. McNeil writes it so fabulously and I would hate having to put it down at the end of my 15 minute breaks at work (may have gone over a few times to finish a chapter or read a few more pages, lol).

I loved Josie's character and how she really grows over the course of the novel. The ending is not what I expected, but I loved it. There's some really great twists and turns too, and reveals. I was gasping out loud every time a new twist came up because it was crazy and unexpected but it made sense.

Overall, another winner from McNeil. I cannot wait to read her next book, the first in a duology. It sounds so good. And if you haven't read any McNeil yet, get on it right away. Go out and buy all three books (well, you'll have to pre-order 3:59 as it's not out for a couple weeks).

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds really cool, I have Ten by her which I love but teen horror is my fave genre so I knew I would love it.
