Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Awaken by Meg Cabot

Awaken by Meg Cabot
"Death has her in his clutches. She doesn't want him to let go.

Seventeen-year-old Pierce Oliviera knew by accepting the love of John Hayden, she'd be forced to live forever in the one place she's always dreaded most: the Underworld. The sacrifice seemed worth it, though, because it meant she could be with the boy she loves.

But now her happiness -- and safety -- are threatened, all because the Furies have discovered that John has broken one of their strictest rules: He revived a human soul.

If the balance between life and death isn't fixed, both the Underworld and Pierce's home back on earth will be wiped away. But there's only one way to restore order. Someone has to die."- summary from Amazon

I have been looking forward to this book since I finished reading Underworld last year. I was so excited when I got an advance copy of it that I seriously started it the next day and was done with it shortly after. It's such a great feeling diving back into a Cabot book, no matter the genre or age range. There's just something about her style that feels refreshing to read.

This is quite simply a perfect conclusion. I absolutely loved this final book and think Cabot did a great job wrapping things up. For me, it was such an action-packed book (but still filled with Cabot's usual humor) that I had problems putting it down, which makes it difficult when I spend much of my time reading it on my work breaks.

Again, this is another review where I don't want to say too much because it's part of a series and so don't want to spoil anything. But seriously, this is a very interesting and darker trilogy from Cabot and it was fun reading this different side to her writing.

Overall, check out this series. I mean, it's Meg Cabot, for crying out loud!

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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