Wednesday, June 26, 2013

6th Year Blogoversary Post!

So a few days ago (the 23rd, to be exact), my blogoversary happened and it's been 6 years now! Can you believe it? I also found out that Ticket to Anywhere, run by my friend Gail, started on the exact same day and year. It took us a few years to find each other, probably not until BEA 2010 or shortly beforehand. Book blogging was a whole different world back when I started. I mean, I had my blog on Myspace, of all things (which sucks because they got rid of the blogs, and I wasn't able to save all my reviews in time), and didn't move here to BlogSpot until 2009.

It always amazes me to look back at what I've accomplished with this blog, and all the amazing opportunities it's given me. I've reviewed over 600 books, met countless authors, publishing people, and bloggers, attended numerous events, have had meals and hung out with authors, attended several conferences and book festivals and so much more. It's been an amazing journey that hopefully will keep going on for a long time.

I cannot thank my readers and various other supporters enough. You guys have really kept me going all these years, showing your enthusiasm for my reviews and this blog as a whole. A lot of you love my vlogs, which I really need to get back into doing! It's been too long. I love getting comments that tell me you've gone out and bought the book because of my review, or are bumping it up your TBR. Or are interested in something an author said in one of my interviews. It makes me happy too seeing authors and publicists really getting behind me and my blog, and encouraging me. I've made some wonderful friends with authors, other bloggers, and a couple publicists. It's a world I'm so happy to be a part of; I don't know what my life would be like without this blog and without all those amazing wonderful books (ok, I probably would've just gotten them from the library, but they don't get everything!). I'm extremely grateful.

Now, for a bit of self-promotion- I wrote a guest blog for Gay YA earlier this month and it's been overrun by spam comments (but thank you to the two real people who commented!), so please leave some real comments in there. I'm very proud of it, and want to share it!

Finally, leave me some love in the comments. It'll do me good. :)


  1. Happy Blogoversary!!!!! ((((hugs))))

  2. Happy blogiversary! Congrats on making it this long.

  3. Happy blogoversary!

    I left a comment over at Gay YA too. A real one!

  4. Wow -- I give you a huge amount of credit for having blogged for so long. I'm nearing the two year mark and still enjoying it a lot.
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

  5. Pretty random time to stop by--I do read your posts but almost always get interrupted before writing a comment :(--but Happy Blogoversary! 6 years is an incredible and inspirational feat.

  6. Happy blogoversary! 6 years is pretty impressive.

  7. Happy Blogoversary!!

  8. Congratulations on six years! That's an absolutely amazing length of time and you have achieved so much! I can only hope to achieve half of the success you have had!!
