Monday, October 29, 2012

Penguin Kids' Middle Grade Halloween Costume Tour + Giveaway!

Step into some creepy stories this Halloween and become your favorite middle grade character…from the ghoulish undead to mischievous pirates, the costumes are endless.

The Book:

Wereworld by Curtis Jobling

Imagine a world ruled by Werelords--men and women who can shift at will into bears, lions, and serpents. When Drew suddenly discovers he's not only a werewolf but the long-lost heir to the murdered Wolf King's throne, he must use his wits and newfound powers to survive in a land suddenly full of enemies. Drew's the only one who can unite the kingdom in a massive uprising against its tyrant ruler, Leopold the Lion. But the king is hot on Drew's tail and won't rest until he's got the rebel wolf's head.

For today, October 29th only, you can buy the e-book of Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf for only $2.99 wherever e-books are sold!

The Costume:

Be a Werewolf like Drew for Halloween with these three easy tips:

1.Grab an old t-shirt and pants and use a pair of scissors to create tears and frayed edges.

2.At a craft store get some fur-like fabric – you won’t need a lot – and glue them to the inside of the pants and shirt so that the fur sticks out of the holes you made.

3.Finally use some black eyeliner to draw a snout on your nose and make your hair nice and messy. Werewolves don’t groom.

You can find Wereworld online here:

Purchase Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf: Amazon, Barnes and Noble and IndieBound

Blog Tour Schedule

Mon 10.22 MundieKids IN A GLASS GRIMMLY
Tues 10.23 Green Bean Teen Queen GUSTAV GLOOM
Wed 10.24 Charlotte’s Library UNDEAD ED
Thurs 10.25 Shelf Elf CHRONICLES OF EGG
Fri 10.26 Bookalicious CREATURE FROM THE 7TH GRADE
Mon 10.29 Book Chic WEREWORLD
Tues 10.30 Books Together BOOKS OF ELSEWHERE


I have a full finished copy set of the Halloween Middle Grade Halloween tour books to give away! All you have to do is leave a comment by 9pm EST on Friday, Nov 2 and you're entered! US/Canada residents only! Here’s the list of books and you can click on the title for more info:

Wereworld, In a Glass Grimmly, The Creature from the 7th Grade, Books of Elsewhere, Gustav Gloom and the People Takers, Undead Ed, and Deadweather and Sunrise: Chronicles of Egg.


  1. I'd love to be entered! Thanks for the giveaway.

    sewtechnicolor (at) yahoo (dot) com

  2. Wow, what a great collection! I'd love to have a chance at that. Thanks for the giveaway! tahleen dot ovian at gmail dot com

  3. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me. Brtjaden (AT) hotmail . (DOT). com

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! Several of those are on my tbr already.

    aine dot onetwistedpixie at gmail dot com

  5. This is a terrific giveaway! Halloween brings out all the great creepy books and movies! Thanks for the offer! :)


  6. Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  7. I'm hosting a stop myself, but the book bundle is so appealing I'm visiting everyone else's to enter too!

  8. The costume is so easy to do, thanks! The books look like something my kids will love.

  9. Forgot e-mail,oops
    Pnrurbfantasyreview @

  10. Such good books! Thanks for the giveaway : )

    ame1184 at gmail dot com

  11. They sound good.

