Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog Tour- Send Me A Sign by Tiffany Schmidt

Send Me A Sign by Tiffany Schmidt
"Mia is always looking for signs. A sign that she should get serious with her soccer-captain boyfriend. A sign that she'll get the grades to make it into an Ivy-league school. One sign she didn't expect to look for was: "Will I survive cancer?" It's an answer her friends would never understand, prompting Mia to keep her illness a secret. The only one who knows is her lifelong best friend, Gyver, who is poised to be so much more. Mia is determined to survive, but when you have so much going your way, there is so much more to lose."- summary from Amazon

I really liked this book. Schmidt is a great new voice in contemporary YA, and I can't wait to read more from her. It's hard to say I enjoyed reading Mia's story because of what she's going through and all the lies, fighting, and crumbling relationships between her and other characters, but um, I still did. Her voice and predicament were compelling and layered. All of her relationships had depth to them and felt very realistic.

Overall, a fantastic debut that fans of contemporary novels will absolutely love. Look for an interview I did with Tiffany later this week!

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I've heard way too many great things about this book. One reviewer said she loved that it wasn't just your average cancer book, in that the main character wasn't made to look like this inspirational figure who, in their developing fragility, blossoms... or some such crap like that. I can't wait to read this book!

  2. I'm always slightly nervous of cancer books as I find them too worrying but when they are written well I do enjoy them. I'll have to keep a lookout for this one.
