Friday, September 28, 2012

The Wednesdays by Julie Bourbeau

The Wednesdays by Julie Bourbeau
"Max’s village is absolutely normal in every single way and on every single day—except Wednesday.

Most of the townsfolk shutter their windows and lock their doors to hide away from the many peculiar things that happen—things like cats getting stuck in the vacuum cleaner and birthday cakes meeting fiery and horrific ends. But Max is too curious for that, and so, breaking every rule in the village, he searches out the cause of all the Wednesday weirdness.

What he uncovers is a secret so devious—so dastardly and mischievous—that life as he knows it will never be the same. Max himself is not the same. Suddenly the mysterious little accidents so common on Wednesdays are happening to him on Thursdays, Fridays—even Saturdays!

What’s come over Max? And more importantly, is there any cure for a case of the Wednesdays?"- summary from Amazon

This was a really interesting story and I actually read it at the same time as Wuftoom, which was purely coincidental. I had no idea that I'd end up reading two transformation stories at the same time.

Anyway, Bourbeau creates a unique world here and the idea of The Wednesdays is fascinating, but not thoroughly explained. I may have missed how the first Wednesday came to be since it seems that a lot (if not all) of them had previously been human like Max, so if anyone else read it and knows, please tell me. But I felt like there wasn't really an origin story and I'd have liked to read about it to get more insight.

Aside from that, Max's journey into Wednesday-dom was fun to read and it eventually became a race against time to stop becoming a Wednesday. It was a thrilling and suspenseful ride through those last 50 pages and I really liked the ending.

Overall, another great book for middle-schoolers who should be able to identify with Max (aside from the aspect of becoming a Wednesday) and enjoy his story.

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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