Sunday, September 2, 2012

In My Mailbox- Week of Aug 26 + Retrospective

I did another vlog this week- hope you guys enjoy!

Books Shown:

Foretold: 14 Stories of Prophecy and Prediction edited by Carrie Ryan (hardcover, Aug 2012)
Yesterday by C.K. Kelly Martin (hardcover, Sept 2012)
Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan (hardcover, Sept 2012)
Shadowfell by Juliet Marillier (hardcover, 2012)
Beyond: A Ghost Story by Graham McNamee (hardcover, 2012)
Hanging by a Thread by Sophie Littlefield (hardcover, 2012)
Island of Doom by Arthur Slade (hardcover, 2012)
The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini (ARC, Oct 2012)
Unstoppable by Tim Green (hardcover, Sept 2012)
Crown of Embers by Rae Carson (ARC, Sept 2012; reading it now!)
Defiance by C.J. Redwine (hardcover, Aug 2012)
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman (hardcover from library, July 2012)
Crusher by Niall Leonard (ARC, Sept 2012)

and here's my retrospective:

Monday- I reviewed One Moment by Kristina McBride, which is out in stores now!

Wednesday- As part of Reminiscent Reviews, I reposted my review of Alive and Well in Prague, NY by Daphne Grab. Does anyone care about this feature? I only have one more review planned at the moment, but not sure if anyone cares so I may just end the feature after this coming week.

Friday- I reviewed Boys of Summer, an anthology edited by Steve Berman, which is out in stores now!


  1. Awesome haul of books this week. Where do you keep all your books.


    1. Anywhere I can put them, lol- I have several bookcases. I also use boxes (like the Random House boxes I've shown off) to house books as well as tote bags. There's also the floor- quite a few piles there.

  2. I'm reading Crown of Embers now and loving it! And I seriously need to go pick up a copy of Seraphina cause it sounds amazing!

    Tara @ Hobbitsies

    1. I love Rae's series so much- can't wait for the third book even though I haven't yet finished the second, lol. I hope I can fit in Seraphina.

  3. That is a super sweet haul.

    Crown Of Embers was utterly fantastic. I am now DYING for the next book.


    So jealous that you have a hardcover of Shadowfell.

    Happy reading :-)

    1. I am loving Crown of Embers so much. Rae Carson has a fan for life.

      Would you be up for paying shipping if I sent you Shadowfell after I finish reading it?

  4. Great collection of books again, Hanging By A Thread sounds cool and so does Beyond, I like ghost and murder books!(morbid much!)

    1. LOL it's alright to be morbid! I'm like that sometimes.

  5. Foretold looks amazing! Carrie Ryan is a great author. Unspoken, Hanging on a thread, Defiance, awesome :D I'm reading Shadowfell at the moment and it's pretty good. Marillier is one of my favorites. Difficult name? :p Hahaha.

    Happy reading!
    My showcase Sunday.

    1. The last name kinda threw me off, lol. It's not THAT hard, but for some reason, I wasn't expecting it and messed it up. Glad to hear you're liking Shadowfell and enjoyed Foretold!

  6. All of these look really awesome, but I'm especially jealous of Seraphina and Defiance. I've heard such fabulous things about these books.

    Enjoy all the pretties!
