Monday, September 10, 2012

Drama by Raina Telgemeier

Drama by Raina Telgemeier
"Callie loves theater. And while she would totally try out for her middle school's production of Moon Over Mississippi, she's a terrible singer. Instead she's the set designer for the stage crew, and this year she's determined to create a set worthy of Broadway on a middle-school budget. But how can she, when she doesn't know much about carpentry, ticket sales are down, and the crew members are having trouble working together? Not to mention the onstage AND offstage drama that occurs once the actors are chosen, and when two cute brothers enter the picture, things get even crazier!"- summary from Amazon

You guys, I LOVED this book. First off, the inclusion of theatre, but not just that, it was also the inclusion of stage crew, which I feel is often pushed to the side when I read books involving drama productions. Stage crew was front and center in this book and I LOVED it. It brought back memories.

Anyway, I also loved the inclusion of gay characters too; I won't say who, as it's a bit of a spoiler, but I can tell you I had guessed from the beginning, lol. Callie was a great main character and I really enjoyed following her journey of making this production happen as well as a budding romance with one of the cute brothers. It was adorable.

I really enjoyed Telgemeier's drawing style, which seemed to incorporate some manga elements, but kept things pretty realistic-looking. I can't really comment more about it since I know nothing about art, but it was good.

Overall, pick this book up regardless of if you like graphic novels or not. It's just such a good story and I want everyone to read it! I had problems putting it down though I did have to twice, usually because I needed to get to bed. I'll be looking forward to more from Telgemeier.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I just picked up this book last week, and I can't wait to read it. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And YAY for theater in books!!

  2. Yes! I loved the same things as well -- the theater setting and the inclusion of characters who are gay. I love that MG books are finally including gay characters, or at least the ones that I read are. :-)
