Thursday, September 13, 2012

Blog Tour- Origin by Jessica Khoury

I'm so happy to be taking part in this Origin blog tour. It's an interesting concept where all the bloggers post a short excerpt from Origin and Jessica shares her thoughts on that particular excerpt. So here's the excerpt:

I am forced to stare down at the schriveled little man as he pierces my eyes with his own. What is he looking for? My “magic”? I don’t believe in the natives’ spirits and signs – that wouldn’t be scientific – but I cannot doubt the sincerity in their gazes. They are all waiting for Kapukiri to make some sort of announcement, I guess. (Origin, page 117)

Thoughts from Jessica:

Origin isn’t half science-fiction or half-mythical. It’s fully both, and it’s up to the reader to choose which perspective to take. The scientists and the Ai’oans each have a different way of looking at immortality, and these ways are neither wrong nor contradictory to the each other. As Eio explains to Pia, it’s just two perspectives of the same coin; just because you can’t see every side to it, that doesn’t mean those sides don’t exist. Pia views herself and her abilities through the lens of science, but as the story goes on, she begins to see through the lens of myth as well. She’s learned a lot about elysia and immortality through science—but science hasn’t given her the whole picture. Nor do the Ai’oans see the whole picture. It is only through a dual understanding of elysia (through science and myth) that Pia finally comprehends the full truth.

To find out more about Origin, check out the website, book trailer, and Facebook page. If you're more into learning about all the Breathless Reads books this year, check out the Facebook page, Tumblr, and a sampler of all the titles! For more on Jessica, check out her website, Twitter and Facebook.

To see all the other Annotating Origin posts, go to these blogs:

Monday 8.27 - The Book Smugglers
Tuesday 8.28 - Pure Imagination
Wednesday 8.29 - Steph Su Reads
Thursday 8.30 - Mundie Moms
Friday 8.31 - Forever YA

Monday 9.3 - Novel Thoughts
Tuesday 9.4 - Page Turners
Wednesday 9.5 - Frenetic Reader
Thursday 9.6 - Bookshelf Banter
Friday 9.7 - The Story Siren

Monday 9.10 - Green Bean Teen Queen
Tuesday 9.11 - The Book Muncher
Wednesday 9.12 - The Book Cellar
Thursday 9.13 - Book Chic
Friday 9.14 - The Compulsive Reader

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