Monday, August 13, 2012

Meandering Monday- Need Requests and Questions

OK, so I was trying to think of what I should write about for my Meandering Monday post for today now that I'm done with BEA recaps and the Rift blog tour. I tried to ask on Twitter for ideas, but no one likes me so I got no responses.

Then, I realized why don't I try asking on my blog? So if there's anything you want my opinion on, or a discussion topic you want me to broach, leave it in the comments below. Or if there's anything you want to know about me (like when I did my Ask Book Chic posts), leave it in the comments. I'm an open book, so feel free to ask whatever.

I hope this will help for future posts. Otherwise, I have no idea what I'll do on Mondays. I'm not creative enough to come up with my own ideas! And I can't just keep posting blog entries asking for help. That would get boring.

So please help me out. I'll love you forever. :)


  1. Perhaps write about hard copies you'd never sell because there's something special about them?

  2. Twitter is so crowded, it's hard to see even a tiny percentage of what's posted.

    Things to blog about:
    Why do people look down on books about romance?
    Did you ever read a book that you didn't like at first, but later something made you pick it up again, and you saw it in a whole new light?
    If you could ask for writers to retell any fairy tale or myth, which would it be?

  3. Top ten lists are nice also seems the buzz around some parts of the blogging sphere is people are deciding weather or not to drop the label of YA you'll have to look up more on it before talking about it but theres a start

    Also oh the topic of kids reading books for a much older crowed this came about at the library I was trying to deter two 10 and one 9 year old from the YA section meanwhile the two 10 year olds had watched all the twilight movies. I then had to explain to a kid younger then them why she to couldn't look at the books those girls were reading
    thoughts on this? or why 10-15 year olds act older and immature on the internet and places like Devieantart and facebook
