Monday, August 6, 2012

Blog Tour- Rift by Andrea Cremer

I'm so pleased to be part of the awesome blog tour for Rift by Andrea Cremer. I love the Nightshade series and can't wait to get started on the prequel series. To get acquainted with the characters in the books, each blog is posting character descriptions. Mine and Alistair and Barrow, and you can see the full list at the end of the post of who's being featured and what blogs they'll be on (bookmark them all because they're great blogs!)!

Alistair: Two years Ember’s elder, Alistair has always seen himself as Ember’s champion. Raised on neighboring Scottish lowland estates, Alistair and Ember have been best friends since childhood. They’ve been separated for the first time since Alistair voluntarily pledged his service to the knights of Conatus. His letters assure Ember that she belongs with him at the Conatus stronghold of Tearmunn, an isolated keep in the highlands, but he reveals little about who the knights of Conatus are.

Age: 18
Hair: Coal black curls
Eyes: Bright blue
Zodiac sign: Pisces

Celebrity lookalike: Nicholas Hoult

Barrow: Orphaned as a young boy, Barrow has been raised in the Conatus keep of Tearmunn. He is counted among the best warriors of the Conatus Guard due to his shrewd sensibilities and his innate martial skill. Though often reserved, Barrow never hesitates to act on behalf of Conatus’ secret work in the world. His defense of the order’s mission leads him to intervene in Ember’s life in a way that brings them dangerously close.

Age: 23
Hair: Deep brown
Eyes: Gray
Zodiac sign: Taurus

Celebrity lookalike: Henry Cavill

To find out more about Andrea's books, you can visit the website and Facebook page. If you want to know about Andrea herself, check out her website and Twitter. For more about the whole Breathless Reads program, there's a Facebook page and Tumblr.

Blog Tour Schedule

Monday morning, 8.6 Mundie Moms - Ember and Agnes
Monday afternoon, 8.6 Book Chic - Alistair and Barrow
Tuesday, 8.7 The Book Muncher - Eira and Cian
Wednesday, 8.8 Frenetic Reader - Kael, Lukasz and Sorcha
Thursday, 8.9 Page Turners - Conatus
Friday, 8.10 Love, Romance, Passion – Tearmunn