Friday, July 6, 2012

Stella Batts #1 and 2 by Courtney Sheinmel + Contest!

Stella Batts Needs a New Name by Courtney Sheinmel
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow by Courtney Sheinmel
"Meet Stella Batts. She is eight-years old and she loves to write. She loves to write lists; like her favorite things and kids in her class. And she's writing her autobiography. Stella's favorite color is yellow and she LOVES fudge. As a matter of fact, there is a special fudge counter at her family's candy store because fudge is one of her favorite things to eat!

But Stella has just one problem---her name. A boy from her class keeps calling her 'Smella' after she trips on their class nature walk. ('I don't even want to say what I landed in, it was too gross, so I'm just going to leave out that part.'). So Stella decides there's really only one thing to do: she has to change her name. After all, how hard can it be to pick a new name? But it's not as easy as it sounds."- summary of Book 1 from Amazon

"One of the best things about having parents who own a candy store is getting to be an official taste-tester. When her dad brings home Magical Glow-in-the-Dark Chewing Gum, Stella can t wait to try it out especially since her younger sister is already blowing bubbles and making magic-gum wishes that come true. Except the gum seems to bring Stella bad luck. First she can t even blow a bubble, then she falls asleep chewing a piece of gum that ends up wadded in her hair, resulting in a drastic haircut. And now her best friend, Willa, announces she s moving clear across the country! It s hard to believe in any kind of magic when stuff like this happens. But Stella knows that when the going gets tough, the tough get going and that s exactly what she plans to do."- summary of Book 2 from Amazon

Oh, these books were adorable! I love Sheinmel's books so much and was so excited to get the first two books in her new middle-grade series at BEA. These were quick, fun reads. I love Stella Batts as a character and can't wait to read more of her adventures. Sheinmel's created such a wonderful voice for the series that just keeps the pages turning.

There's also some fantastic illustrations by Jennifer Bell and I love how she did some of the drawings. This is my first time, I think, reading a novel with illustrations and I loved it. It makes the reading experience a bit more fun.

Anyway, these are some great books and Sheinmel does a good job getting the problems and experiences of a third grader down really well. Book 3 is out this month and I've got a copy that I can't wait to read.

FTC: Received hardcovers from publisher at BEA (Book 2 is signed!). Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

The publisher Sleeping Bear Press has offered up 3 sets of the first three Stella Batts books for a giveaway! All you have to do is leave a comment by Friday, July 13 at 9pm EST and you're entered. US residents only! Best of luck to all.


  1. I'll enter! I think my youngest cousin would enjoy 'em.

  2. Sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  3. oh, these sound so fun. I'd share them with my neice...right after I read them myself. :-)

  4. My daughter would LOVE these books! Thanks for the giveaway!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  5. My daughter LOVES Stella. She even writes her own Stella books. (Didn't someone say imitation is a sincere form of flattery!) Thanks for the giveaway-- we have a cousin who'd adore her own set.

  6. Thanks for the sweet review, J!

  7. I am courtney's biggest fan, she told me so herself. She's one of my best friends, and I dont know what I would do with out her. Her writing is amazing and her personality is incredible. I love you so much, courtney.

  8. Count me in! I bought number one for a friend's daughter who loved it and I personally would love the set for my daughter for when she starts on chapter books. I have a feeling Courtney is going to be one of her favorite authors!

  9. J: If Nina wins this giveaway, I have her info. (She really is my biggest fan.)

