Friday, July 20, 2012

Pilgrims Don't Wear Pink by Stephanie Kate Strohm

Pilgrims Don't Wear Pink by Stephanie Kate Strohm
"Libby Kelting had always felt herself born out of time. No wonder the historical romance-reading, Jane Austen-adaptation-watching, all-around history nerd jumped at the chance to intern at Camden Harbor, Maine’s Oldest Living History Museum. But at Camden Harbor Libby’s just plain out of place, no matter how cute she looks in a corset. Her cat-loving coworker wants her dead, the too-smart-for-his-own-good local reporter keeps pushing her buttons, her gorgeous sailor may be more shipwreck than dreamboat — plus Camden Harbor’s haunted. Over the course of one unforgettable summer, Libby learns that boys, like ghosts, aren’t always what they seem."- summary from Amazon

I thought this was the cutest book! It's such a quick read and I absolutely LOVED Libby's voice. It was such a joy to read this book. It was a bit predictable, mainly with the romance (which tends to happen in a lot of YA books) but it was still worth the trip to see how it all goes down. That's how it is for me- the romance may be predictable, but it's all about the journey. How does the author set this apart from other YA romances? How do these two end up together? That's what makes it interesting.

Anyway, I loved this book, especially Libby's friend Dev and the children she takes care of during the summer. I'm so excited that there's another book on the way. Definitely check this book out before the summer's over!

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Links above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I'm glad you loved the book! I found it super cute too!!
    I loved Libby and Dev too, they were such good friends to each other.

    And I didn't know there was a new book coming out!! that's awesome!! :D

  2. I thought that this one was cute as well but just wanted a little more depth. I'd read Past Perfect not long before it and there was just so much more too it that I think I had higher hopes for this one. I'm also not sure about a sequel. I think it might be pushing the limits of this story too much.
