Monday, June 11, 2012

My Meg Cabot Story: A Meg-A-Readers Blog Hop Post

My Meg story starts about 10 or so years ago. I saw The Princess Diaries movie and absolutely loved it, but it took me a while before I found my way to the book. There was actually a time where I wasn't much of a reader and like all I read was V.C. Andrews and Terry Pratchett.

Eventually I did find my way to the Princess Diaries series but since I had no idea how book-to-film adaptations worked (and also thought the first book was in prose, for some reason, and I didn't like that, I guess), I skipped the first book and started with the second. I was in for quite the change. But even so, I LOVED it and continued reading all of Meg's books that were out at that time and kept tabs on her upcoming books, buying each new release the day it came out. In 2004, I joined Meg's new book forums and have been a member of it since then and that broadened my perspective on reading, giving me more new authors to read like Louise Rennison, Rachel Vail, and Michele Jaffe.

In 2007, I started this blog a month before Meg's stand alone release Jinx came out and I wanted to interview her to help promote the release, though she doesn't really need promoting. I emailed her a month before I wanted to post the interview because I knew she'd be busy. She replied less than 48 hours later, saying yes and also offering an advance copy of Jinx. I, being new to this whole blogging thing, was like "Oh no, I'm just a regular person. I'll buy the book." But she was having none of it, saying that ARCs were for people like me (i.e. bloggers/reviewers). I'm not gonna argue with Meg, so I gave her my address. She ended up sending me all her 2007 summer releases and lots of swag- it was my first package as a blogger. Meg continues to be a champion for bloggers and I absolutely love that she values all that we do.

Since then, we've kept in touch (I've interviewed her like 3 more times) and I absolutely love that I can email with one of my favorite authors. We've met in person twice, once in 2005 at the National Book Festival and the other time last year at a Scholastic blogger event. It was fantastic having Meg recognize me immediately and give me a hug. It was amazing to chat with her in person and we got a picture together, which made me happy!

Meg Cabot has been a huge influence on me and I cannot thank her enough. My life would've been so different without her books and support. Meg, you're an inspiration and I hope you continue writing books for a long time to come!


  1. James this is such a great story! I'm so jealous!!! LOL. Meg is an absolutely great person! She definitely proved that to me in February at Passion and Prose. Thank you again for participating in Meg-A Readers! And I hope you're enjoying that "Underworld" book jacket! ;)

  2. Aww, this is such a great post! And I have to agree - I think Meg Cabot is fabulous! I got the opportunity to meet her last year at an event in the Scholastic Soho store, and she is just lovely.

  3. Absolutely brilliant story and Meg sounds really giving as an author, the fact she was so great with you when she was already so well established speaks volumes about her as a person, I love reading her blog!

  4. Love this, James! I'm such a Meg Cabot. I wouldn't be writing YA if not for her. I hope to meet her one day.

  5. Great looking website.I enjoy megs books...

  6. That's so awesome!!! New follower :)

    Cierra @ Books Ahoy & Blogovation Design
