Monday, June 18, 2012

Meandering Monday- Blog Update

This is just a short update that I wanted to post. I've been thinking a lot lately about my blogging, especially while I was at BEA and networking with everyone and talking about blogging.

So you know that I took a break just like two months ago, and I won't be taking another break but I will be cutting back on my posting. My plan is just to post Mon/Wed/Fri with the occasional In My Mailbox on Sunday. Monday will be Meandering Monday still, and then Wed and Fri will be reviews (maybe the occasional Cat Friday).

This week is a bit weird though because I agreed to a blog tour when I still had the previous layout of reviews on Tu/Th/Sat, so this week will have 4 posts. But after this, it'll be on a MWF schedule.

I'm doing this because I need to focus on my writing. I had a plan to be done with two novels (first drafts obviously) by the end of June. As of right now, I am only 11,000 words into one novel most of which was written last year. Because here's the thing, I would say to myself "Oh, once I get ahead in my reviews, I can focus more on my writing." Yeah, I never really got around to that because I was trying to do at least 6 posts a week with 3 of them being reviews.

So I'm hoping that with this new schedule, I can easily be staying ahead on my reviews while also making some great progress on my writing. I'm really excited about this novel (and everyone I tell seems to love the idea too) and so want to keep working on it daily (or at least M-F) until it's done. I'll be doing some tweeting about my writing progress so keep an eye out for that.

Anyway, I hope you'll all continue to keep coming here and commenting. I absolutely love my readers and am very grateful to all of you because you keep me going. It was such a fantastic feeling to have people come up to me at BEA (or recognize me in a signing line) and say how much they loved my blog. Thank you.

Wish me luck!


  1. Luck and thats not a bad thing I have scheduled posting days of Monday/thursday for reviews. Wednesdays are Waiting on and unless I have a big pile of stuff that I really need to get rid of I'll maybe make an exception and post more then three times a week but normally I stick with three days

  2. Good luck with the writing! You can do it! I think it's great that you've decided to schedule your blog posts in a way that will work for you. I used to think I had to post every single day, but recently I've decided to do what felt more comfortable for me.

  3. Good luck. I think a MWF schedule is still a lot of posts, in the end.

  4. It seems like a lot of bloggers are changing up their schedules or taking breaks. I'm glad so many bloggers know when to cut back.

    Also,I had no idea you were a writer ! That must be awesome, I wish you all the luck with your WIP, I can't wait to see your updates. *Watches Twitter*

  5. Good luck with the writing and it will be cool to get to read your book!
