Friday, June 22, 2012

5th Year Blogiversary Post

Can you believe it? It's been 5 years!! Well, as of tomorrow. It's been such a fun ride and I love blogging so much. While I am cutting back on my blogging, it doesn't mean that I don't love it any less. I wish I could post every day with reviews 3 times a week but it's just not possible with my current schedule and goals.

But anyway, let's focus on the good stuff. In the past 5 years, I've:

- been quoted on/in three books: Invisible Touch by Kelly Parra (inside), Going Bovine by Libba Bray (on back of paperback as GuysLitWire), and Forever Summer by Alyson Noel (on back of book as Book Chic). It's thrilling to see my words and blog name in print on the back of or inside these awesome books.

- been to BEA 3 times (recap of this year's to start soon!), and ALA and RWA once. Every conference I go to is a blast and I love meeting fellow bloggers as well as awesome authors and publicists. It's also fun to be recognized, whether it's fellow bloggers who are fans of my blog or authors (Jennifer Echols literally yelled my name and waved at me at RWA during the literacy signing).

- done interviews and guest blogs and vlogs for authors and bloggers. You can go to my About Me page for links to all of them (it will be updated soon with 3 new interviews, so come back). I love doing these, so if you ever need someone, let me know!

- reviewed over 500 books! I don't know the exact number since I've been very lazy in updating my review page, but I do believe it is getting fairly close to 600. :)

- had some amazing experiences with authors, such as Maggie Stiefvater doodling in my copy of Shiver and it's now my header and on my business cards! There's also been Diana Peterfreund treating me to lunch (McDonald's but still!), Lisa McMann giving me $5, and having dinner at Shake Shack with Susane Colasanti and Elizabeth Eulberg which was totally unplanned and coincidental!

- made friends with some really wonderful bloggers, including Susan (Wastepaper Prose), Emily (Emily's Reading Room), Meaghan (A Bookworm's Haven), Kristi (The Story Siren), Cat (Beyond Books), Devyn, John (Dreaming in Books), Brent (Naughty Book Kitties), Pam (Bookalicious), Mitali, Lynsey (Narratively Speaking) and so many more.

- been a very lucky guy. There's a lot of blogs out there, especially now, and I'm extremely grateful to all my readers for staying with me and commenting as well as the authors and publishers who supply me with my reading material. It amazes me still that I'm able to get advance copies of books and I don't think that will ever change. I get so excited whenever a package appears on my doorstep or in my mailbox. This blogging journey has been so much fun, and I hope it continues for years to come.

Here's to 5 years (and 5 more!)!


  1. Congrats on 5 years! (and more!)

  2. Happy Blogiversary! 5 years! That is inspiring! I just reached 3 years in June and like you, am amazed at the connections, the friendships... and oh - the books!

  3. Amazing! I remember meeting you at Maggie's signing in VA with Susan & Monica (Bibliophilic). Congrats on 5 years & here's to many more.

  4. Congrats on 5 years James! That is so exciting. :)

  5. Congrats, James! You're one of the good ones!

  6. Congratulations on 5 years! I can remember your 2nd anniversary, shortly after I started blogging. You've made it a long way.

  7. Congrats, James!!! *hugs*

  8. Congratulations on 5 years! That's amazing :)

  9. Congratulations on 5 awesome years. Here's to 5 more!

  10. Happy blogoversary! Here's to another great five years and more!

  11. Happy blogoversary! I still remember the good ole Myspace days. :) I love how much you love blogging and love reading - that love shines through in your blog posts, and is a beautiful thing.


  12. Happy happy! Hope you haven't spent that whole five bucks yet. :D Keep up the great work, James!

  13. Happy Blogiversary, James! You're a great addition to the review community, and I appreciate all you do for writers in general, and for me specifically. Thanks so much for your support! Here's to five more years!

    I have to admit I'm curious why Lisa gave you $5 though.

  14. Yay!! Congratulations on 5 wonderful years, it sounds like blogging has given you so many wonderful moments and heres to many more. Keep up the brilliant work James!!

  15. YAY!!! Congratulations!! That is so awesome!! You have been so extremely lucky!! Lunch with Susane!! Quoted in Libba Bray book!!! AWESOME!!!! :)

  16. Happy happy 5 years! I've really enjoyed your blog and hope you continue to post no matter how often. I would miss your blog if it was gone, so please.. at least another 5 years. :)
