Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Shooting Stars by Allison Rushby

Shooting Stars by Allison Rushby
"Meet Josephine Foster, or Zo Jo as she’s called in the biz. The best pint-sized photographer of them all, Jo doesn’t mind doing what it takes to get that perfect shot, until she’s sent on an undercover assignment to shoot Ned Hartnett—teen superstar and the only celebrity who’s ever been kind to her—at an exclusive rehabilitation retreat in Boston. The money will be enough to pay for Jo’s dream: real photography classes, and maybe even quitting her paparazzi gig for good. Everyone wants to know what Ned’s in for. But Jo certainly doesn’t know what she’s in for: falling in love with Ned was never supposed to be part of her assignment."- summary from Amazon

I'm a huge fan of books involving celebrity and this was a unique take on that kind of story. Jo is a teen paparazzo and is really good at it, and it was fascinating to me to see that side of things. She's a wonderful main character with her sights set on more than just being a paparazzo all her life.

There's some interesting twists and turns throughout this book with a huge secret popping up about halfway through that was crazy enough to work. I loved it! Not only that, but the book is very funny and Jo's voice is just so much fun to read. I liked reading her interactions with the people at the rehab center, and there were some particular sections that added some great depth to this novel.

The romance was so fun to read; Ned and Jo's conversations were an absolute joy to read and seeing them come closer as the novel went on made it realistic. There isn't insta-love here and Rushby does a great job making it work.

Overall, just a really fun, unique debut and I'm excited to see what Rushby comes up with next!

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; all profits go toward funding contests.


  1. Completely agree with you. This was a really fun read that hinted at more serious issues with the kids in rehab. I liked it a lot, too! :)

  2. Hey BC - so glad you enjoyed Allison's book! She rules!
