Sunday, April 1, 2012

In My Mailbox- Month of March

Yeah, this vlog encapsulates the entirety of March since I was gone the whole month practically. I'm surprised it's only a little over 10 minutes, lol. Anyway, for those here wondering what faction I belong to in the Divergent Nation event, I reveal it in the first minute so you don't have to watch the whole thing.

Books/Other Stuff Shown:

Tomb Raider: Underworld (for PC)
Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection by Katy Perry (CD)
Insurgent by Veronica Roth (ARC, May 2012)- I am Team Erudite.
Being Lara by Lola Jaye (paperback, March 2012)
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa (ARC, April 2012)
Legacy of Tril: Soulbound by Heather Brewer (ARC, July 2012)
Arranged by Catherine McKenzie (ARC, May 2012)
Black City by Elizabeth Richards (ARC, Nov 2012)
The Implosion of Aggie Winchester by Lara Zielin (ARC, Aug 2011)
The Right and the Real by Joelle Anthony (ARC, April 2012)
Cold Fury by T.M. Goeglein (ARC, July 2012)
The Waiting Sky by Lara Zielin (ARC, Aug 2012)
Picture This by Jacqueline Sheehan (ARC, May 2012)
Underworld by Meg Cabot (ARC, May 2012)
Survive by Alex Morel (ARC, Aug 2012)
My Life in Black and White by Natasha Friend (ARC, June 2012)
Beauty by Lisa Daily (ARC, May 2012)
7 Clues to Winning You by Kristin Walker (ARC, April 2012)
No Safety in Numbers by Dayna Lorentz (ARC, May 2012)
Starters by Lissa Price (hardcover, March 2012)
Book Journal (birthday present from a friend!)
Commercial Breaks #1: Famous for Thirty Seconds by P.G. Kain (paperback, March 2012)
The List by Siobhan Vivian (hardcover, April 2012)
Beach Colors by Shelley Noble (ARC, June 2012)
The Last Echo by Kimberly Derting (hardcover, April 2012)
More Like Her by Liza Palmer (paperback, April 2012)
Family Guy: Volume 9 (DVD)
The Last Apprentice: Grimalkin the Witch Assassin by Joseph Delaney (hardcover, April 2012)
Sacred Stories: Wisdom from World Religions by Marilyn McFarlane (hardcover, April 2012)
Once by Anna Carey (ARC, July 2012)
So Close to You by Rachel Carter (ARC, July 2012)
Blackwatch by Jenna Burtenshaw (ARC, July 2012)
Destiny by Gillian Shields (ARC, July 2012)
Invisible Sun by David Macinnis Gill (hardcover, March 2012)
Drain You by M. Beth Bloom (ARC, July 2012)
Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard (ARC, July 2012)
Endlessly by Kiersten White (ARC, July 2012)
Team Human by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan (ARC, July 2012)
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson (ARC, July 2012)
Insignia by S.J. Kincaid (ARC, July 2012)
Wuftoom by Mary G Thompson (ARC, May 2012)


  1. You got a lot of awesome looking books! Happy reading.

  2. I AM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK! Yay! And HOLY COW. Tons of books. YAY! :) I need to spend some time like... cross-referencing these with my goodreads lists and looking them up. Haha.

  3. I just finished reading Divergent yesterday (Team Amity!) so I'm super excited for Insurgent.

    I've had my own book journal for a few years. It's not alphabetised but there are three sections, one to list books you want to read (which I list, star rate and cross out), one to write down quotes from books I liked and one to list borrowings/lendings of books. I love it. Even though I have goodreads to sort through my books, I'm still attached to it.

    I have both of the first two novels in The Body Finder series but I haven't read either of them. Nor have I read Paranormalcy or Eve. many books to read!

    Invisible Sun is sequel to Black Hole Sun, am I right? I just started reading that on my Kindle app last night.

    That's quite a hoard you have for March. My mind boggles looking at all those books. I'm nowhere near as fast of a reader as I wish I was. Happy reading! ♥
