Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday- Size 12 and Ready to Rock by Meg Cabot

"It’s summer break at New York College, but that doesn’t mean assistant residence hall director Heather Wells can kick back and relax. The students may have gone home, but Fischer Hall is as busy as ever.

Only instead of college freshmen, Heather’s got a dorm full of squealing thirteen- and fourteen-year-old girls—the first ever “Tania Trace Teen Rock Camp,” hosted by pop sensation (newly married to heartthrob Jordan Cartwright, Heather’s ex) Tania Trace.

But when the producer of the reality television show that’s filming Tania’s every move at the camp ends up dead, and it becomes clear Tania was the intended victim, Grant Cartwright, head of Cartwright Records, turns to his son, family black sheep and private investigator Cooper Cartwright, for help, desperate to keep his new daughter-in-law—and company’s highest earning star—alive.

Heather knows perfectly well she’s supposed to leave the detecting to Cooper, her ex’s big brother and her own brand new fiancé. But with hysterical mini divas-in-training freaking out all around her—not to mention their mothers —how can she help but get involved? Especially when Tania Trace herself begins to confide in Heather, revealing a secret that may be a little more "real" than Cartwright Records ever bargained for.

And if an added bonus to solving the crime herself happens to be that Heather can convince Cooper to bury the hatchet with his family and agree to a large wedding, and not the elopement he's been insisting on, so all of Heather's friends can come, then maybe putting her own life on the line to save Tania’s just might turn out to be worth it...."- summary from Harper catalog

I had to look EVERYWHERE for this summary... I'm wondering if I should even be putting it here since I got it from the catalog, but whatever. I am SO EXCITED for this new Heather Wells book because I absolutely loved the first three books and have been so looking forward to more for a long time. Plus, it's always cause for celebration when a new Meg Cabot book comes out. This will be released as a trade paperback in July.


  1. OMG, you're like my new hero. I LOVE Heather Wells and have been anxiously awaiting this book. I didn't know that there was a cover and a summary so thank you thank you thank you for sharing this with me. You just made the happiest Meg Cabot fangirl alive. =)

  2. Oh, and this book totally looks like it'll be a great addition to the series. I can't wait to see more Cooper!

  3. I am so excited about this book! I was so afraid that Cabot wasn't going to continue with the Heather Wells series, but she's honestly one of my favorite literary characters of all time. Thanks for posting the summary, I was beginning to think this book was a figment of my imagination!

  4. Rowena and Kate- Thanks for the comments! There's also going to be a 5th book at some point too! :)

  5. Yea I am so happy that the fourth book is coming out in this series. The Size 12 books were my introduction to Meg's books and I love them. Can't wait for this and thanks James for showing casing it.

  6. Been looking forward to this one for awhile. When I heard there was an excerpt of the first chapter of it in the paperback version of Overbite, I made a special point of going over to the book store the other day just to read it (of course, I ended up buying like four books when I was there but whatever). Thanks for posting the summary. Seems like Meg is having some pretty good releases coming up , looking forward to Underworld too. And did you hear about the possible seventh Mediator book?

    1. I know about everything Meg does- I'm a member on her forums and I'm such a huge fan that I keep tabs on what she's working on, lol. I'm excited about the 7th Mediator book, though I'd have been fine with the ending as is. I like that she took her time too and waited until she had a good idea instead of just putting something out there because fans wanted it.

      I'll have to keep an eye out for that excerpt next time I go to the bookstore. So excited!

  7. Thanks for the summary! I knew it was about the Tania summer camp but I still wanted to know a bit more so thanks for the synopsis. I can't wait!!!! Definitely will be pre-ordering this soon!!!

  8. *jumps up and down*
    I want to read this book so bad too!!!!!!

    LOL I think I had heard the Teen Diva Pop Camp-part before but not the rest, I'm so excited!
    You know I love me some Meg Cabot! and I loved Heather through and through.

  9. Well, I'm glad you found and posted the summary! Heather Wells is awesome.

  10. Thank you for the summary. I just found these books and devoured them in days. I cant wait until July when the new book comes out. :)

  11. Thanks a million :) I mean I was looking everywhere for the plot! But what's with the big wedding all of a sudden? But as Gavin says "Whatevs" :D Love the story :)
