Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Legacy of Eden Blog Tour- Interview with Nelle Davy

1. What is your daily routine as a writer?

I don’t have one – it’s very fly by the seat of your pants but I tell you I love to write at night. There is something about the darkness that makes me feel much freer.

2. What is your favorite book?

Could not even begin to answer that one – it would be like choosing a favourite child: Matilda, Rebecca, Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina, The Secret History, I Capture the Castle, Therese Raquin…endless endless lists.

3. What is your favorite part of the writing process?

When you finish a segment and realize you wrote a sentence that is yours – your voice captured in those words and no one else could write what you just did. It makes you feel as if you are coming into your own, instead of a lesser follower of greater authors.

4. Is there a specific element in your writing that you find most challenging?

Not getting distracted. I am so easily swayed.

5. Which author inspires you most?

I can’t even begin to pick. What I will say is there are only two writers out there I would describe as wordsmiths which to me is the ultimate accolade for an author – Milton and Shakespeare. They set the bar – you try to reach it. You never will, but you can try.

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