Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't Breathe A Word Trailer Launch Party!

I absolutely loved Holly Cupala's debut Tell Me A Secret and now she's got a great new book out called Don't Breathe A Word! We're celebrating the book trailer release with a launch party and huge contest! Details are posted after the trailer.


1. Click here to go to the DBAW trailer link, then click the Share button to send to your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, MySpace, blog, or other social network. 5 pts each

2. Buy the book at this link for more chances to win (include in your entry below)!

3. Click here to enter with your links and/or purchase!


Five Grand Prizes:
Signed copies of Don’t Breathe a Word, Tell Me a Secret, the TMAS special edition audiobook, bookmarks, stickers, and other swag*

Ten Runner-Up Prizes:
Don’t Breathe a Word flyers, bookmarks, stickers, and a TMAS button*

Plus the first forty people who buy the book at this link between now and Valentine’s Day get DBAW bookmarks, stickers, and undying book love from me!*

*Must include mailing address with entry. (US + up to 20% international winners)

Good luck to everyone!

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