Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oopsy Daisy by Lauren Myracle

Oopsy Daisy by Lauren Myracle
"Life for the Flower Power girls is never boring. Milla, still madly in crush with sweet Max, wonders if it’s time—dun dun dun!—for the two of them to actually HOLD HANDS. Eeek! Katie-Rose, on the other hand, can’t help but wonder when—or if—she will ever be crush-worthy, especially since the only boy to pay her any attention is pesky, annoying Preston, whose favorite pastime is throwing erasers at Katie-Rose’s head. Violet, however, has bigger issues than boys on her mind. Her mom is finally scheduled to be discharged from the psychiatric hospital where she’s been undergoing treatment, but what if her homecoming doesn’t go as planned? Luckily, Yasaman has a foolproof plan for distracting her friends from their worries. The targets: beloved teachers Mr. Emerson and Ms. Perez, who are meant for each other, even if they don’t know it. The goal: to bring those lovebirds together at their school’s “Kids Night In,” a teacher-chaperoned evening of fun, fabulosity, and possibly even romance . . ."- summary from Amazon

The third book in the Flower Power series is just as awesome as the first two. I simply flew through this book and had problems putting it down. Myracle's prose is fun and easy to read, and I love reading from each girl's different perspective. There's a lot of emphasis on boys and romance in this book, but there's some great chapters from Violet's point of view that deal with her emotions regarding her mom being back home from the psychiatric hospital. Those sections were really poignant to read and I think Myracle did a wonderful job making it realistic.

Overall, I can't say enough good things about Myracle's books and this middle-grade series in particular. I heard that this will just be a quartet, which means only one book left but I do hope more get written. These characters are so much fun to hang out with that I don't want to have to say goodbye to them!

FTC: Received hardcover from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I didn't know this was a series, I'm going to try to check it out!
    Thanks for the review, James :D
    This books sound like so much fun,

  2. i have read the first 2 books and am gonna rean the third one but i just wanted to know if there are any other books... thanks for the info :D

  3. omg i just fished reading it and it is soo awsome
    thank to ur review i just found my fav book of allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  4. omg i read it it was awesome
