Monday, January 2, 2012

Meandering Monday- 2012 Reading + Other Goals

Today is just going to be a main focus on reading goals but I did also want to include that I want to write more in 2012. I have a WIP I'm currently working on, and my goal for the year is that I'd like to finish that and maybe even another book. Both would at least be first drafts, though I'd hope to have some time to revise both. If anyone wants to help encourage me and also hold me accountable for when I don't write, I'd greatly appreciate it. Ideally, I'd like to write a bit at least each weekday, like around 500 words (basically amounts to a page). I will do my best to start today and I'll try to keep you all posted on my progress.

Alrighty, back to reading-

I'd like to read 150 books total this year. I made it to 142 books, though I'd hoped to make it to 145 books, but unfortunately, I've had a terrible cold these past few days which made it difficult to really do much of anything. In terms of debuts, I read 43 debuts this year, which is pretty good. I usually don't have goals for debut novels; I just read a bunch during the year and then end up with a number at the end that I'm happy with, lol.

I tried starting some reading goals each month late last year, but I was only able to complete one of two. The first was catching up on the Iron Fey series, but that was easier because I was doing a blog tour for the fourth book so I HAD to catch up in time for that. My December goal was reading the Hunger Games trilogy, which didn't happen.

So instead of doing it by month, I'm just going to do my best to read these series by the end of the year-

Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins (this should be done by time of movie release, which is on my birthday!)
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
Mortal Instruments series by Cassie Clare
Beautiful Creatures series by Margie Stohl and Kami Garcia

Are there any others I should be on the lookout for? As you can see from Harry Potter and Hunger Games on there, nothing is too popular for me to not have read yet, lol.

I think that's all I've got. Does anyone else have any reading/writing goals for 2012? Share in the comments!


  1. I've been sick so much since Thanksgiving that I totally missed my goal too. :( I ended up 19 short of my goal.

  2. James, you and I have very similar goals apparently. I really want to finish a book this year (or two, but I've never even finished writing one, so I'm probably grasping at straws as it is) and attempting to write 1k words a day.

    If you ever need encouragement, feel free to talk to me about it. We could even be critique partners or something. :) That would be fun!

    Your reading goals sound doable if you work at them. I, too, have to get the Hunger Games series read. May I suggest starting the Blue Bloods series if you haven't yet? There's one book left in the main series (not sure when it comes out), and it's crack in the best way possible.

  3. Currently my reading goal is to try the "Iron fey" series among others as well as some of the other series that people have been talking about on the blogsphear

    Book suggestions for you to try



  4. My goal is always just to read 100 books a year and I fell short by 2 in 2011 which was frustrating! I also left The Hunger Games trilogy late and I have just finished the second one, I think you are going to love it, I thought it was even better than I expected!
    Get Well Soon!!

  5. Reading The Hunger Games is also on my list of stuff to do in 2012. I don't know if I will be caught up by the movie or not.

    Great list of goals.
