Sunday, January 29, 2012

In My Mailbox- Week of January 23 + Retrospective

I'm back with a vlog this week since I got a lot of great books this week (and have batteries!)! Enjoy!

Books Shown:

Perception by Kim Harrington (ARC, March 2012)
Spin by Catherine McKenzie (paperback, Feb 2012)
What Happened to Hannah by Mary Kay McComas (paperback, Jan 2012)
Perfect Escape by Jennifer Brown (ARC, July 2012)
The Watcher in the Shadows by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (ARC, June 2012)
A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger (ARC, June 2012)
Revived by Cat Patrick (ARC, May 2012)
Belles by Jen Calonita (ARC, April 2012)
The White Glove War by Katie Crouch and Grady Hendrix (ARC, July 2012)
The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze (ARC, May 2012)
The Boy Recession by Flynn Meaney (ARC, August 2012)
I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga (ARC, April 2012)
The Drowned Cities by Paolo Bacigalupi (ARC, May 2012)
Purity by Jackson Pearce (ARC, April 2012)
172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad (ARC, April 2012)

and here's this past week's retrospective:

Monday- I posted my thoughts on negative reviews, Goodreads, and author behavior. Please take part in the discussion!

Tuesday- I reviewed Cinder by Marissa Meyer, which is in stores now! The post now contains a snippet from the audio book.

Wednesday- I posted a long-awaited Ask Book Chic and need more questions! Feel free to leave your questions in the comments or send me an email.

Thursday- I reviewed Truth by Julia Karr, which is out in stores now!

Friday- I posted my review policy, which I'm very excited about!

Saturday- I reviewed Ditched by Robin Mellom, which is out in stores now!


  1. Awesome week! How cool of Little Brown to send you such an amazing box!!! I think I would be flailing around on the floor if I got A Midsummer's Nightmare!! hehe

  2. Wow, some great books this week, the gorgeous kitties were distracting me though, they are so cute!

  3. Great set! So cool that you got the Zafon book. He's a great author.
    My IMM

  4. WHAT THE WHAT, JAMES?! Perception and Revived all in one week? Oh. My. Stars. I am so anxious for both of those. :) *drools*

  5. Um, you are freaking adorable! And I love the cameos by your cats. I really want to try to get my cat into this week's IMM. I'm not sure if she'll be into it, and she's a little old so she can't really jump around.

    So many books so little time! The Boy Recession looks really interesting! Adding that to my list!

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. You obviously had a good week! I love your cat cameos!

  7. Awesome books! I really want to read The Last Princess.
