Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday- Simon and Schuster 2012

Here's my second-to-last Waiting on Wednesday for 2011 where I spotlight some 2012 books from each publisher. Previous publishers I've spotlighted are HarperCollins, Scholastic, Little Brown, Penguin, and Hyperion. Today I'm spotlighting Simon and Schuster!

Fever by Lauren DeStefano
My thoughts: I absolutely loved the first book in this trilogy and cannot wait to see what DeStefano comes up with next for Rhine and Gabriel. I hope I get a Galley Grab newsletter with a link to the e-galley soon!! This will be released Feb 21.

Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler
My thoughts: I really loved Ockler's debut and feel bad that I haven't yet read her second book Fixing Delilah. But I'm very excited for her third book and hope that my library gets a copy in. If you haven't read any of Ockler's books, do so. She's an awesome writer. This will be released Jan 3.

Island of Silence (Unwanteds #2) by Lisa McMann
My thoughts: I love Lisa's books and her new middle-grade fantasy series is just so much fun. I absolutely cannot wait for this new addition to the series and I hope it goes for 7 books like Lisa wants it to. I can't get enough of it. This will be released in September.

The One That I Want by Jennifer Echols
My thoughts: I was a bit sad when this was originally announced as just an e-book because I don't have an e-reader. But then good news! It's being released as a paperback on Feb 7! I love Jennifer's books so much and I absolutely cannot wait to read this book.


  1. Oh! I keep meaning to read the Unwanteds first book but I keep forgetting it!

    I wasn't impressed with Ockler's debut but Bittersweet sounds really good,.

  2. I can't wait for Bittersweet and yay for Echol's book coming out in paperbook (I don't have an e-reader, either)

  3. I just got The Unwanteds first book. I need to preorder the second. I know I will like it. Call it a premonition.

  4. I cannot wait for Fever, Wither was one of my fave books of 2011!

    So pleased Jennifer Echols book is coming out in paperback, I don't have an e-reader and I don't particularly want one either but if authors start doing books exclusively for them I might have to succumb!
