Monday, December 19, 2011

Meandering Monday- 2011 Goals

OK so I didn't really make any goals for myself this year. I just left it all open-ended and will be happy with whatever I achieved, and sad with what I've failed on.

Anyway, here's where I'm at with a couple different challenges:

How many books have I read this year? I'm up to having completed 138 books, with three being read right now (Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers by Lynn Weingarten, Wherever You Go by Heather Davis, and The Selection by Kiera Cass). I should be done with the first two before I go home on Thursday and will try to finish The Selection while I'm home along with getting through a majority of another book. I'd like to end the year at 145 books, which would mean 4 extra books after finishing the ones I'm reading now.

How many debut books have I read this year? The awesome Kristi from The Story Siren hosts this challenge and it's such a great way of promoting debuts. I've read 43 debut titles and in the middle of another (The Selection- a 2012 debut). I'll probably fit in at least one more after The Selection to make it 45. It's going to be Kiss Crush Collide by Christina Meredith. If I have time for another, it'll be Cinder by Marissa Meyer (I have the month of January scheduled so I know what I'm reading next).

How have I done on my monthly reading challenges? Well, I got caught up with the Iron Fey series in November, so that's a success! The failure is not reading The Hunger Games trilogy this month. I just simply couldn't fit it in and I know there's still time in the month but I really don't see it happening. I might read the first book, but most likely won't. I will definitely be fitting it in before March when the movie comes out though but it's going to be pushing my other monthly reading goals back a bit.

How have you all done with your challenges this year? Have you met them? Exceeded them? Fallen short of them? Is there anything you can do in the next two weeks to get it done?


  1. Oh, I went over the board with challenges this year so I'm not doing it next one!

    Even though I did finish all my challenges and even managed to read more than I first intended - like with the Aussie challenge, I think I read 8 books instead of just 6.

    But no, it's too much pressure for me.

    It looks like you did pretty good though! So, congrats.

  2. Our blog just launched at the end of this year, so I think we're only participating in Kristi's debut author challenge next year. I don't want to get overwhelmed with having to read too many things - I have seen quite a few people who've posted about burnout lately and I don't want that to happen to us.

    I need to figure out my personal reading goal for next year, too. I'll end this year with ~90 books read. I didn't start a reading goal until May of this year, so I think I did pretty well. I have no idea what to say for next year though.

    I always get the best advice (and most accurate to my likings) from your blog. :) Happy Monday!

  3. Great job on the goals! I only did a goodreads reading challenge this year of 100 books. I am over my goal with a 130 which is better than last year. I will be doing DAC challenge this year as well as upping my personal challenge from 100 to 150. Sometimes work and life keep me from reading so I we will see if I fall short this year. Never commented before, but always read and watch your book hauls. You are an excellent blogger!

  4. I don't really follow any challenges but I like to read 100 books a year, sadly I am 6 off this number so it won't be achieved! :( I will try my hardest to make 100 in 2012!
    Well Done on the amount of books you have read this year James, I look forward to your review of The Selection, I really, really want that book!
