Sunday, December 11, 2011

In My Mailbox- Week of December 4 + Retrospective

I'm back with an In My Mailbox video!!

Books Shown:

Seekers: Return to the Wild: Island of Shadows (Book 1) by Erin Hunter (ARC, Feb 2012)
Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts (hardcover, Nov 2011)
Legacy of Eden by Nelle Davy (ARC, Feb 2012) + awesome blog tour badge!
Welcome Caller, This is Chloe by Shelley Coriell (ARC, May 2012)
Fracture by Megan Miranda (ARC, Jan 2012)
Lexapros and Cons by Aaron Karo (ARC, April 2012)
Life is But a Dream by Brian James (ARC, March 2012)
The Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith (ARC, Jan 2012)
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (chapter sampler, Jan 2012)
Deep Sky by Patrick Lee (paperback, Dec 2011)
All the Flowers in Shanghai by Duncan Jepson (paperback, Dec 2011)
More Than Her by Liza Palmer (ARC, April 2012)

and here's my retrospective for the week-

Monday- I participated in the Legend blog tour, where I had Marie Lu chatting all about Day, one of the two main characters. Not only that, but I'm giving away a copy of Legend and a Legend button but the contest ends on Mon, Dec 12 at 9pm EST so get your comments in!

Tuesday- I reviewed Legend by Marie Lu, which is out in stores now!

Wednesday- My Waiting on Wednesday post featured five titles from Penguin's Summer 2012 catalog!

Friday- I reviewed The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder, which is out in stores now!


  1. I am about 3/4 done with Dark Inside and I love it! Very good so far!

  2. I want to read Erin's books. I always loved animals and I've heard good things about her Warriors series. I never picked them up before because I wasn't sure how interested I would be in a series about cats. Werecats or wild cats I can understand lol. I do want to try her books now though because of the positive things I've heard.

    I'm relieved to hear that you haven't read a John Green book either. I just bought Paper Towns because it was $4, but I've I don't know when I'll finally buckle down and read it.

    Nice haul. :)

  3. Wow you got a wonderful haul this week! I'm really excited to read Fracture!

    Xpresso Reads

  4. Yay Fracture! And Lexapros And Cons!

    Dude, your mailbox rocks!!

  5. Great haul this week, jealous of the Fault in our Stars sampler, and the copy of The Probability of Love at First Sight. Can't wait to read those. Been hearing a lot about Fracture and Dark Inside to, they both sound really interesting. :)

  6. Hiya, James! Loved the vlog this week, especially when you had to tell your cat off.

    You got some excellent YA reads this week so I can only say ENJOY!! =D

    Have an amazing reading week!

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)
