Monday, November 14, 2011

Meandering Monday- Reading Goals

So last week on Twitter, I made the decision to start doing some reading goals. If you watched last week's IMM vlog (not yesterday's), I talked about this a bit. Now, while I do read a ton already for review, I decided to make some extra monthly goals for myself. I may or may not review the titles, depending on how far ahead I am with my reading schedule. But I wanted to read books that people have been telling me to read for a while now, and that I've wanted to read for a while now. Here's what I have so far:

November- Read Iron Daughter, Queen, and Knight by Julie Kagawa. This came about because I'm part of a blog tour for Iron Knight and my posting date is Nov. 29. I read and LOVED The Iron King but have been slacking on reading the rest of the books- they came out so quickly! I own all four books.

December- Read the Hunger Games trilogy. This may happen a little bit in November since the books came into my library sooner than expected, but the main reason behind this, aside from being the last person on Earth to read them, is because the movie comes out on my birthday next year. So it just seems fitting that I need to get on reading them before the movie is released.

After those two, I felt the need for more monthly goals. Those just kinda came up randomly, but now I'm filled with purpose. So I did January-March:

January- Read Books 1-4 (or at least halfway through 3) of Harry Potter. This is another series that I never got around to, my reason being that I was "too cool" for them which then morphed into "I'll wait until all 7 are out so I avoid cliffhangers." but by that time, I'd started this blog and had no time to read seven 400+ page books amid all the review books I had to read. But now I will make an effort.

February- Finish Harry Potter series. I may also rewatch the movies too along with it. That would be cool, wouldn't it? Especially since I'm not one of those people who cares about the changes made from book-to-movie.

March- Read the Twilight series. I'm sure many of you will warn me off this but I'm gonna do it anyway. Or at least try. I've been watching the movies (well, I saw the first two) so I should read the books and see what my opinion of them is.

I don't know where to go after this so if anyone has any suggestions, leave them in the comments. I may do a month where I catch up on various series like the Gallagher Girls and Hex Hall, but we'll see. I might post my thoughts on these books too as I read them if you guys want to read them. I'm in the middle of Iron Daughter now (well, done with Part 1) and I'm not enjoying it as much as The Iron King, though it seems to be getting better with the appearance of Puck who brings in fun and hilarity! What did you all think of The Iron Daughter? Do any of you have your own reading goals outside of reviewing and your blog?

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