Friday, November 18, 2011

Cat Friday (21)

It's Cat Friday again! It's been gone for a while due to lack of time and then my break, but now it's back! Cat Friday is a somewhat-weekly meme that's similar to Presenting Lenore's Cat Tuesday, in which I show off pictures of my cats. You've seen them in videos wandering by but now you can see them more clearly.

So last weekend, my roommate's father came to visit so we brought out the air mattress for her to sleep on while her dad took over her bedroom. Each day, because of the cats and their back claws, we had to take the sheets and blankets off and deflate the mattress so they couldn't put holes in it. We put the air mattress away but left the sheets, blankets and pillows out on our bar stools. The cats of course thought it was meant for them and so every day, we'd see at least one taking a nap on their comfy lofty perch. In these photos is Samson, looking pretty much extremely adorable. When I saw that, I knew I had to take a picture (or several).

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