Monday, October 31, 2011

In My Mailbox- Week of October 23

I apologize for the double vlog but my camera ran out of batteries so I had to finish up in a second vlog as I was in a bit of rush so couldn't redo everything. Enjoy!

Books Shown:

Amplified by Tara Kelly
When the Sea is Rising Red by Cat Hellison
First Day on Earth by Cecil Castellucci
The Right and the Real by Joelle Anthony
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Mastiff by Tamora Pierce
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford
Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison Moulton
Arcadia Awakens by Kai Meyers
Spin by Catherine McKenzie
The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa (plus awesome VIP Press Pass for blog tour!)
Darker Still by Leanna Renee Hieber
Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel
Also, I will be coming back to regular blogging tomorrow (though I guess I kinda did today...) with a review and I'll be doing my best to post everyday like I used to be doing. So please stick around and comment on those!


  1. Love your vlog! And some lovely books - some that I have not heard of before - will have to go check them out on Goodreads :)

    Welcome back to blogging :)

    In my Mailbox

  2. Some really great books this past week for you James, have fun reading them, and yay 4 kitties in the background!!
