Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson

The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson
"Once there were three. Three friends who loved each other—Jenna, Locke, and Kara. And after a terrible accident destroyed their bodies, their three minds were kept alive, spinning in a digital netherworld. Even in that disembodied nightmare, they were still together. At least at first. When Jenna disappeared, Locke and Kara had to go on without her. Decades passed, and then centuries.

Two-hundred-and-sixty years later, they have been released at last. Given new, perfect bodies, Locke and Kara awaken to a world they know nothing about, where everyone they once knew and loved is long dead.

Everyone except Jenna Fox."- summary from Amazon

I absolutely adored Adoration of Jenna Fox and it's seriously one of my favorite books ever. I had absolutely no idea that there was going to be a sequel/companion novel until BEA when someone told me she was doing a signing of Fox Inheritance ARCs. I was ecstatic to find that out and was really excited to read this book. It didn't let me down.

It's different from Adoration of Jenna Fox- different narrator, more action and suspense, and we already know what's going on with Kara and Locke (in Adoration, Jenna was trying to figure out what had happened). While there is more action, there is still that questioning of bioethics and what makes someone human that was started in Adoration and has now taken on a whole new life in Fox Inheritance.

I loved all the characters in this book and it was really cool to see Jenna again after all this time. One of my favorite new characters though was Dot Jefferson, a Bot that Locke and Kara pick up while they're escaping. When I was imagining Dot, I kept imagining Rosie, the robot from the Jetsons, lol. But she was really cool.

Overall, a wonderful sequel/companion to the Adoration of Jenna Fox. I really need to get around to reading more from Pearson.

FTC: Received ARC at BEA (signed!). Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. Ooh, ooh, ooh! Awesome! I just read The Adoration of Jenna Fox this year and I loved it. Now I'll have to read this one too!

  2. I can't wait for this one! honest!! :D

  3. So glad you enjoyed it James! And glad we got to meet at BEA too!

  4. Adoration of Jenna Fox is one of my all-time favourite books, so all the positive reviews for Inheritance make me happy. :D I can't wait to read it for myself!
