Monday, August 1, 2011

Meandering Monday- PAYA Festival!

So last year, I went to the first ever PAYA Festival, which is all about bringing YA to PA and helping out their libraries, and it was started by Harmony, a fellow blogger. It was amazing and a ton of fun! I'm really hoping I can go this year but it really depends on a lot of things, so we'll see what happens.

If you're anywhere near PA, definitely consider going. There's going to be a writing workshop, book signings, food, raffles, and a ton of book-ish people to mingle with! Here's a partial list of the authors:

Josh Berk (Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin)
Cyn Balog (Fairy Tale, Sleepless, Starstruck)
Jeri Smith-Ready (Shade/Shift)
A.S. King (Dust of 100 Dogs, Please Ignore Vera Dietz)
Dianne Salerni (We Hear the Dead)
Shannon Delany (13 to Life/Secrets and Shadows/Bargains and Betrayals)
Shelena Shorts (The Pace/The Broken Lake/The Iron Quill)
Ellen Jensen Abbott (Watersmeet, The Centaur's Daughter)
Alissa Grosso (Popular)
Jennifer Murgia (Angel Star/Lemniscate)
Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman (Sirenz)
Sarah Darer Littman (Purge, Life After, Want to Go Private?)
Amy Holder (The Lipstick Laws)
Keri Mikulski (PrettyTOUGH series)
Chelsea Swiggett (Rae)

and there may be a few others joining in too! If you want to RSVP and learn more about it, go to the Facebook page and look around! It will be happening on Saturday, August 27 from 12pm-3pm in West Chester, PA. Check the Facebook page for the exact location.

To prepare for the festival, I'm reviewing a book from the festival every week in August until the festival is here. So keep an eye out for those- they should be happening every Thursday! If I forgot anything, leave your question in the comments and I'll answer it there (and update this post).

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