Sunday, July 3, 2011

In My Mailbox- Week of June 26 + Retrospective

No vlog this week because I only got a few books but I'm really excited for them though!

Books Shown:

Dark Souls by Paula Morris (ARC- Aug 2011)
The Lying Game by Sara Shepard (hardcover- Dec 2010; from library)
Triangles by Ellen Hopkins (ARC- Oct 2011; yes, be jealous!)

and here's my retrospective-

Monday- I reviewed Forgotten by Cat Patrick and have a giveaway of 2 copies running until Tuesday, July 5 at 9pm EST, so be sure to enter!

Tuesday- I reviewed Trial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, which is out in stores now!

Wednesday- I posted the 24th edition of Ask Book Chic, where I talk about what books my cats would like to read, the weirdest thing that happened to me, and advice about getting followers!

Thursday- I participated in a blog tour for Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma, where I reviewed the book, had a guest blog by the author and am giving away a signed copy of the book! The contest ends July 8 at 9pm EST, so enter soon!

Friday- I posted this month's Fragment Friday, and I read from Lost Voices by Sarah Porter. If you participated in Fragment Friday in the past month, put your links in the Mr. Linky!

Saturday- I reviewed Overbite by Meg Cabot, which will be out in stores July 5!


  1. Great books this week! Ellen Hopkins is a new favorite of mine ^-^

  2. New follower! I've been wanting to read The Lying Game for ages but I keep forgetting to buy it. :/

    ComaCalm's IMM

  3. Um, yes very jealous. How did you get your ARC of Triangles? This is probably my most anticipated read of 2011? I just love Ellen Hopkins. She is an incredible writer and storyteller. I'm so excited that she has 2 books coming out this year.

  4. Lots of Ellen Hopkins buzz lately. I haven't read anything by her yet. Guess I need to get to it. If you get a chance stop by
