Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dark Parties by Sara Grant review + giveaway!

Dark Parties by Sara Grant
"In a world shrouded in fear and lies, how can you shed light on the truth?

Sixteen-year-old Neva lives in Homeland, an isolated country separated from the rest of the world by the Protectosphere. The government insists there’s nothing beyond its borders, but as Homeland’s resources dwindle, people, girls mainly, have started to go missing. If there’s no way out of the Protectosphere, where are they going? Suspecting the government is lying about everything, Neva and her friends stage a Dark Party in the hope of uncovering the truth and finding the freedom they dream about."- summary provided by Big Honcho Media

I feel bad for saying this but I had no idea this was a dystopian until I started reading it. I hadn't even glanced at the summary. I thought it was a paranormal book based on the title and cover, both of which don't really seem to say dystopian.

But anyway, this was a really good book. I really liked how Grant built this world and it feels like it could actually happen. Neva's adventures are compelling and there are some fantastic twists and turns throughout the book, though particularly toward the end.

Characterization is a bit on the low side. I didn't really connect too much with the characters, other than in the fact that what the government is doing is COMPLETELY wrong and insane. So if that connection is something you need to enjoy a book, this may not be for you. The book is definitely more plot-driven.

I assume there will be more books past this one because the ending is a bit open-ended and I really hope it doesn't end here, but I haven't heard any official word. Overall though, this is a really well-written dystopian that tugs the reader along at a fast pace. It's very enjoyable!

Thanks to Little, Brown and Big Honcho Media, I have two copies of Dark Parties to give away. If my review wasn't enough to sway you, you can also read an excerpt online before entering! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by Friday, July 22 at 9pm EST. US residents only! Good luck to all!

The resistance has staged its first Dark Party. Listen in now and share with it your friends. Join the resistance!

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. The year of dystopia!!! Thanks for the giveaway.
    bookgoonie at yahoo

  2. Wonderful and unique giveaway. Many thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. WOOO!! Thanks so much for this super duper generous giveaway and for providing the chance to read this AMAZ-ING book! I love dystopian (my FAV genre like EVER), and I've been wanting to read this ever since I heard about it! I totally get where you though this was a paranormal book! I agree, the cover and the title can't really be taken as Dystopian right off the back now can they? Anyways..MAJOR thanks for the giveaway, and though I know that spreading the word isn't required for this..I kinda had to..this giveaway is TO awesome (:
    So..I tweeted, here's the link:!/hargur55/status/91632947802800128

    Thanks again!!(like x100)
    ~Harpreet (:

  4. Oppsies (I would forget this part) email is:

    hahaha Thanks again (:

  5. I've read a lot of positive reviews for this book. Thanks for the chance to snag a copy!

    thecozyreader @

  6. I love dystopians. Hunger Games is my favorite, but I literally eat up any YA dystopians. Thanks or the giveaway! bosoxsam23 at aol

  7. This one sounds fantastic, I've had my eye in it for awhile!
    Cubicleblindness at gmail

  8. This sounds like an awesome book! I'm really loving the dystopian novels being released!

    jadedlittlegirlx [at] gmail [dot] com

  9. This one sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!


  10. Wow, I've seen Dark Parties all over the blogosphere. I love dystopias, so this is on my TBR list. (extemter at hotmail dot com)
