Thursday, June 9, 2011

He's So Not Worth It by Kieran Scott

He's So Not Worth It by Kieran Scott
"Ally Ryan, come on down to the Jersey Shore and forget your troubles!

Have you recently been humilated in front of your friends and family at your former best friends birthday party? Was your almost boyfriend partly responsible for that humilation by withholding some vital information about where your estrangerd father is? Did you come home to find said estranged father sitting on your stoop?

If so, then it sounds like you could use a vacation! The Jersey Shore is the place to be. Your mother may be living with her boyfriend of only a few months, but at least the stunt Shannen pulled has put some of your friends back in your court. Even so, you're still angry and what better way to get over Jake than to blow off some steam with local guy, Cooper. People will hardly recognize your new attitude, but the old one wasn't getting you anywhere, so who cares!

Jake Graydon, an exciting opportunity is waiting for you in the service industry!

Are your grades so low your parents have grounded you for the summer? Did you the girl you really like unceremoniously leave you behind? Would you rather eat dirt than see your friends again? Then a job at the local coffee shop is just the ticket! Suprisingly, Ally's father is the new manager so you get to be reminded of her nearly every day. Maybe it's time to start flirting with your best friend's ex or even taking school a bit more seriously. Especially when you finally see Ally and she's hanging around with some loser and it's couldn't be more clear that she is over you.

Have a great summer!"- summary from Amazon

I love this trilogy of books. Except for the fact that they're released a year apart. I want the third book now! This book ended on such a huge cliffhanger and I actually gasped reading the final lines. I don't gasp often while reading books.

Anyway, aside from the cliffhanger, this book is fantastic. I love the back and forth between Ally and Jake's perspectives, and then the random interstitials from Annie's field journal which are hilarious. Scott still does a great job capturing Ally and Jake's voices and emotions and it brings a good level of depth to the book and invests the reader in their rocky relationship.

The book takes place during the summer so this is the perfect book to start your summer off with. It's got cute boys, beach scenes, parties, kissing scenes, and a lot of drama. So go grab your copy now and curl up with it by the pool or beach!

FTC: Received eGalley from S&S Galley Grab. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. yay, can't wait to read it! Big fan of Book Chic by the way. :)

  2. The ending just threw me! I think my mouth literally fell open! Can't wait till the next book either.

  3. I LOVED Jake and Ally in the first one, and I cannot wait to see what's going to happen in this one!
