Friday, June 17, 2011

Cat Friday (14)

It's Cat Friday again! Cat Friday is a somewhat-weekly meme that's similar to Presenting Lenore's Cat Tuesday, in which I show off pictures of my cats. You've seen them in videos wandering by but now you can see them more clearly.


Oh wait, it's okay...

Yes, that is Meeko with his head through the bottom of a box. It's like his new favorite place. This was not a one-time thing, lol. It's so funny seeing him like that.


  1. I don't know what it is about cats and boxes! And if a cat sees a narrow space, it is compelled to stick its head in. Our cat has learned to open the kitchen cabinets, where he routinely checks on the doings of the plastic wrap and the sponges.

  2. OMG, your cat looks exactly like ours except for the white spot on his nose. Too cute:)

  3. Unfortunately I am allergic to cats so I can only admire them from pictures :-( Cats seem more like children in that they are interested in things such as boxes. I have a dog and she would much rather chew her toys and sleep. Yours are very cute by the way.
