Thursday, June 23, 2011

4th Blogoversary Post!

For the past 3 blogoversaries, I ran contests and guest posts and had a huge celebration. Unfortunately, by now, I have WAY too many books to review to take off a week to celebrate my blogoversary. So I'm just doing a simple post and you all can comment to congratulate me or write something nice about me (I do like hearing nice things).

I am surprised that I'm already at my 4th Blogoversary. It seriously feels like just yesterday that I started the blog on Myspace. It surprises me to already see authors like Lisa McMann with their 4th book released and a 5th coming out in a few months. In the summer of 2007 when I started, Lisa was just starting the buzz for her debut Wake. It does not feel like 4 years ago.

I have had a wonderful time running this blog and getting to know other bloggers, my readers, authors, and publishing professionals. I love this community so much and I'm thrilled to be a part of it.

A fun surprise I got this month came from Khy of Frenetic Reader who told me that I had a blurb on the back of Forever Summer by Alyson Noel, a recent bind-up of her books Laguna Cove and Cruel Summer. Not only that, but the blurb is on Amazon as well! I was so happy to hear about that and I thank the publisher for choosing my review!

Thank you all for reading my blog and supporting me over these past four years! I really appreciate every follower I have, every comment I receive, every review copy I get, and every friend I've made. Please leave a comment telling me how awesome my blog and I are! :D


  1. *hugs*
    *throws confetti*

    You are an amazing and inspiring blogger, James.

    Congrats on your 4th Blogversary!

  2. Happy Blogoversary! I'm a more recent follower and here's to another four years of book reviews and cats!!

    P.S. You, your blog, and your cats are, you know it, AWESOME!

  3. Congrats!! Thanks for doing a great job.

  4. Happy Blogoversary! I'm glad you made it this far because the book world wouldn't be the same without you.

  5. Happy four years!

    And yes, you and your blog are very awesome.

  6. Oh happy day! You will always be my first blogger friend from way before WAKE even had a cover, and the only book blogger I've ever given $5 to. THAT'S how special you are.

    You rock, James!

  7. Nice! I just had my first one a couple days ago, and it was so surreal. I couldn't believe it had been a whole year!

  8. Congratulations and happy blogoversary! :)

  9. Congratulations! 4 years is a big deal (in case you didn't notice)! Enjoy year 5!

  10. Yes, you and your blog are awesome. And so are your cats. Mustn't forget your cats!

    I first looked up your blog (back in the Myspace days) because I saw you commenting on some on-line controversy on another person's blog. Not only did I agree with what you were saying about the debate, I liked the way you stayed calm and reasonable.

    Happy blogoversary!

  11. Woohoo! Congrats and a very Happy Blogoversary!

  12. Happy Blogversary! You remain one of my must read blogs :)

  13. Happy (belated) blogoversary James!
    You are the best :)

  14. Congrats on this special date! I have 3 book blogs I visit all the time, Story Siren, Wondrous Reads and yours!!
    Keep up the good work, I really enjoy everything on your site but especially your reviews and 'in my mailbox' vlogs!

  15. Congrats, not many people can say they reached their 4th blogoversary! :D I know this is super late lol, wanted to leave you a comment anyway :)
