Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ask Book Chic (23)

It's time for another round of Ask Book Chic. I had something similar earlier this week as part of my Meandering Monday post, and it was dedicated to questions about BEA. If you have any other questions about BEA, leave them in the comments on that post and I'll answer them in the next Meandering Monday on the 16th. Anyway, here we go:

Lauren M asks "What's the toughest obstacle you've ever had to overcome?"

Gosh, I don't even know because I've led a fairly easy life, which I'm extremely grateful for. I did grow up extremely shy and while I still am some level of shy, I'm not as shy as I used to be. Accepting my homosexuality was never a problem for me like I know it can be for many teens in the world. I actually talk a bit about it in my guest post that I did for Kristi of The Story Siren as part of her GLBT Lit Days last August. It also mentions how when I came out in college in 2005, my friends accepted me. So I think that may have been my toughest obstacle; even though they already pretty much knew and I knew they wouldn't disown me, there was still a part of me that was really worried. For no real reason. It was just irrational because I'd never really had a bad experience- no bullying or anything like that. But it is still a big thing to overcome even if you have a pretty good feeling everything will be fine.

Sysha asks "What is your favorite kind of cake?"

My roommate made me my favorite kind of cake on my birthday back in March. It's yellow cake with chocolate icing. Simple, but I love it!

Bunny Cates asks "Since I dont see one, I'll ask - if you will ever do a bookshelf tour??"

I did do one a while back, but it was just through pictures and not very well done, lol. I probably should do a video to show off everything. Let me clean up my room a bit, and I'll do a short vlog showing off what I got! I don't know when it'll go up since I have the rest of the month planned, but if there's a free Sunday coming up, I may post it along with my IMM that week, or maybe combine the two? We'll see. Also, I'm much more organized since the last bookshelf tour, lol. There's not as many books on the floor now!

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this! If you have any questions you'd like to ask, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them in a future Ask Book Chic. The questions can be about anything at all.


  1. Books on the floor. LOL

    I love bookshelf videos.

    Oh, and that cake sounds yum.

  2. Looking forward to the bookshelf tour! :)
