Monday, April 18, 2011

Meandering Monday (16)

It is a half hour before this is set to post and I am tired so I unfortunately will not be continuing any sort of recommended reads for boys this week. I may do something next week regarding upcoming reads for boys to keep an eye out for.

But this week, I've got nothing really. I have way too many things to read and not enough time to do them in. I keep forgetting about an April or May release that I have; I'll think I have them all and then I come across something else that releases during that month and find I have nowhere to put it in my schedule. It's sad. I wish I could fit everything in. Having e-galleys makes it harder too because I can download books easily and then I forget about them sometimes. I don't have to see if any physical copies are available and if they'll send them to me. Plus, e-galleys expire so I need to get on reading them before that happens so then I'm in more of a frenzy trying to read and finish a book quickly.

I wish I could just READ. Just read all day, not have to worry about finding a job or paying the bills or whatever else life throws my way. It's one of those times I kinda wish I got paid to blog, and I mean more than the $10 from Google AdSense or Amazon Associates every two years. Like a steady income.

Anyway, since I'm talking about reading, here's what I plan on reading and reviewing soon. This week, I've got reviews for Boyfriends with Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez and Stay by Deb Caletti (yes, Gail, I finally finished it- just in the nick of time! It expires today, lol). I'm finishing up Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan and then will start reading Dark and Hollow Places and then review them together. To keep things light and fun, I'll also be reading Trauma Queen by Barbara Dee and Hello Gorgeous Book 1: Blowout by Taylor Morris.

As for my next e-galley to read, which should I choose? They all have 14 days left and they're the closest to expiring:

Angel Burn by L.A. Weatherly
Die for Me by Amy Plum
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

Side note: Do the Harper e-galleys bother anyone else? They're like in a funky format, at least in the program I use (Adobe Digital Editions)- no eReader for me (no job, remember?)

Anyway, cast your vote in the comments and I'll announce the winner in tomorrow's post. I'm excited to see what gets the most votes, lol.


  1. Hmm, I've heard good things about all three of those galleys! I guess my vote will go towards Die for Me.

    I've yet to read a Harper eGalley (like you, I kind of forgot about them. *guilt*), but on some of the Harlequin Teen galleys the font sizing was really weird.

  2. I think you should read Starcrossed! But all three of them look really good so it's a hard choice to make.
