Friday, April 15, 2011

Cat Friday (11)

It's Cat Friday again! Cat Friday is a somewhat-weekly meme that's similar to Presenting Lenore's Cat Tuesday, in which I show off pictures of my cats. You've seen them in videos wandering by but now you can see them more clearly.

I absolutely love today's picture- it's the daddy Samson hugging his son Meeko a bit (the one taken right before this had both his front paws around Meeko) and you can see a bit of red where Samson is licking his son. Meeko just loves the attention; he usually does and just lays back, taking it and purring. So cute!


  1. Aww! I didn't know male cats continued to carry affection for their children. That's so sweet! Adorable photo, as always! :)

  2. Oh! A Daddy-son embrace! so cute!

  3. Lauren- Yep. At least this one does. He's much more affectionate than the mom Maya- she's a bit of a b*tch to her children, lol. But Samson loves them so much.
