Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fresh New Voice of YA- Clarity by Kim Harrington

Clarity by Kim Harrington
"When you can see things others can't, where do you look for the truth?

Clarity "Clare" Fern sees things. Things no one else can see. Things like stolen kisses and long-buried secrets. All she has to do is touch a certain object, and the visions come to her. It's a gift.

And a curse.

When a teenage girl is found murdered, Clare's ex-boyfriend wants her to help solve the case--but Clare is still furious at the cheating jerk. Then Clare's brother--who has supernatural gifts of his own--becomes the prime suspect, and Clare can no longer look away. Teaming up with Gabriel, the smoldering son of the new detective, Clare must venture into the depths of fear, revenge, and lust in order to track the killer. But will her sight fail her just when she needs it most?"- summary from Amazon

OK, so I started this book on Saturday and finished it on Monday; I know that doesn't sound very quick but I read huge chunks of it in a sitting a day because it was hard to put down after a few pages. As soon as I started the book, I was really drawn in by Clare's sarcastic voice and Harrington's fast-paced prose.

There's some great humor in here alongside the paranormal and mystery aspects, which Harrington weaves together really well. The mystery was simply amazing; there was a huge twist ending which I hadn't seen coming but it did make sense. All throughout the book, I kept thinking it was this person or that person, trying to pick up on the clues going on but Harrington really threw a curveball. I loved it.

The love-hate romance between Clare and Gabriel was really fun to read and I loved seeing scenes with them together. Clare and Justin were cool too, and Harrington did a good job of working through that subplot realistically and emotionally.

Overall, a fantastic debut and I'm really excited to see where the story goes next. Definitely check this book out!

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. Ooh, there's a love-hate romance!? I hadn't heard about that! I absolutely LOVE those kinds of romances. :)

    Glad to hear Clarity was almost impossible to put down! I've got it sitting on my shelf waiting to be read--I think I need to make it a priority! :P

  2. Hi, I thought this book review was well-written and well thought out. I’m a new follower from Edge of Escape . I'm looking forward to reading more of your reviews. Please stop by, I’d love to have your book-savvy opinion of my site.

  3. Sounds like a good read, I like that you mention it has humor. Humor always makes me a little more inclined to like paranormal books :D

  4. I've read lots of positive things on this one.

    I think you have tempted me with the love/hate thing, those are always fun to read.
