Friday, March 25, 2011

Cat Friday (9)

Cat Friday is a somewhat-weekly meme that's similar to Presenting Lenore's Cat Tuesday, in which I show off pictures of my cats. You've seen them in videos wandering by but now you can see them more clearly.

Another kitten pile(ish)! It's all five kittens- Pearl (top left), Meeko (top right), Farley (middle), Khali (bottom right), and Chance (bottom left) having a nice nap together. I loved it when they did that because it was just so cute seeing all the brothers and sisters together.

I usually don't see all four of ours (Chance is with my roomie's friend) doing that anymore; usually it's maybe two of them together at a time but mostly they stay separate, except for the occasional moment when they're together. When they're together, sometimes they lick each other, which is just about the cutest thing.


  1. Oh! They are so cute!!

    I love kitten pictures!

  2. D'aww! I've never seen a kitten pile in real I really want to!
    Your cats are adorable as always! :)

  3. This is exactly what I want to see on Friday morning. Eeee the cute kittens!

  4. There's no way this can't make you smile...thanks for the spirit lift!

  5. They are so adorable! Honestly, does it get better than baby animals cuddling? I think not.

  6. Cute!

    I've started Purr-sday but my kitty pile won't post until next week
