Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Birthday Contest + Ask Book Chic (21)

Today's my birthday (25, yo!) and it's also Ask Book Chic time, but I'm running out of questions again, so I figured I'd hold a birthday contest! Find out how to enter and what you can win at the end of the entry!

Karen asks "OK, my questions are: Why do you start blogging? Do you ever feel as if it is more a job then enjoyment? and what other hobbies do you have besides for reading?"

I started blogging for the simple reason that I really enjoyed interviewing authors. My first interview was with Lauren Barnholdt and it was a lot of fun. Of course, there's also my insane love of books, lol.

I do feel like it is a job but one I, for the most part, enjoy. There's times where it can be overwhelming but that's usually for one of two reasons- 1) real life gets in the way (that's why this is going up around noon today rather than midnight) or 2) I push myself to do too much too quickly (also is happening this week. I may take a tiny break). But most of the time, it's a really enjoyable experience and I'm really glad I had the idea to start a blog back in June 2007.

I'm a boring person so I don't really have any other hobbies. I do occasionally write and I am working on a novel, but it's slow-going. I need to get my butt in the chair and type. But aside from that, I've got nothing. Sad, isn't it?

Anne asks "My question is: What is the first book you remember reading that you loved? And what book got you into reading?"

I had something like this a long time ago and it took me forever to find out what the answer was because I only vaguely remembered it. I'm too lazy to look it up now, but it was a picture book series about a boy and his horse and they went on adventures. They were pretty old books too, if I recall. As for what got me into reading, it was Meg Cabot's Princess Diaries series. Those books showed me the wondrous world of YA and I've been grateful ever since!

MannaB asks "Do you consider blogging a job, even just a part time one?

Do you have any pets?

How supportive are your friends and family with your blogging?"

I talked a bit about this above, but I'll expand a bit since it's a slightly different take on it. I do consider blogging a job, and I feel like others should too, if they want their blogs to be really good. It's something you need to spend time on- the posts, the layouts, the features you have, etc. That doesn't mean you can't have fun with it while you're doing those things, but if you're serious about blogging, it does become a bit like a job.

I have 6 cats who readers see regularly in my feature Cat Friday and in most of my vlogs. There's a mom, a dad, and 4 babies. There's a 5th baby but he is with a friend of my roommate. We also have a gerbil, who's adorable.

Everyone is REALLY supportive. My dad can be a bit too supportive, in that he talks about my blog to a wide variety of people, usually while I'm around so I can feel the full embarrassment. But yeah, everyone thinks it's pretty cool.

Alrighty, so contest time! One winner will be receiving my extra ARCs of Where She Went by Gayle Forman and Abandon by Meg Cabot, two of April's most-wanted releases! To enter, you have to leave a question for me in the comments and it can be about absolutely anything- my life, my blog, my writing, advice, whatever. These questions will be used for future Ask Book Chics, so keep an eye out if you leave a question! This contest will end Wednesday, March 30 at 9pm EST and the winner will be notified by email shortly after. If your email address is not readily accessible (like on your blog site or profile page), please leave it in the comments so I can contact you if you win. This contest is for North American residents only.

If you want to just leave a happy birthday comment, feel free to do so. Your comment won't be counted into the contest unless you leave a question too.


  1. I don't have a question, just wanted to say happy birthday! I'm a recent follower and have enjoyed your reviews and seeing cats in videos!

  2. Omigosh! Happy Birthday, James! I hope your day is amazing! :)

    My question: What's the toughest obstacle you've ever had to overcome?

  3. Happy birthday, James!
    I can't believe you're 25 already!!!!!

    I do feel slightly less old now though :D

  4. Happy birthday James! Hmmm, I have a birthday related question. What is your favorite kind of cake?

    rain_orchid11 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  5. Since I dont see one, I'll ask - if you will ever do a bookshelf tour??


  6. Happy Birthday!!! Have an awesome day!

    My question: What's the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?

  7. I want to know, if your cats were to read YA, what authors/titles would they most enjoy (this can be cat by cat if necessary) OR what YA authors/books are most symbolic of your feline friends?

  8. oh and happy birthday! I forgot that part!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you had a great day.

  10. Happy birthday! 25 is a great age! :-)

  11. Happy Birthday! My question is what advice you have for new bloggers on how they can generate more followers? Hope you have a nice 2-5!


  12. Happy Birthday! Six cats! Do they read with you? I hope you keep on blogging- I love reading your posts. :)

    bookbutterfly9 at gmail dot com

  13. Do you take pictures of yourself with authors at signings? If so do you keep a scrapbook or posterboard up? also what is your most memorable author interview/signing?

  14. Happy Birthday!
    My question:
    Do you ever listen to music while you read? If so what kind is your favorite to read to?

  15. Happy birthday. My question which YAL book character do you relate to the most and why. BTW, I enjoy your blog. I can always know what to pick up by reading this.

  16. Happy Belated Birthday!

    My question:

    Have you ever said anything on your blog that you regret?

  17. Happy B-day.

    i just wanted to ask What your best 2011 read so far is.

  18. Happy Bday. Ok my question is simple... I just start a blog this year, I only have 9 followers. How long it takes to you to have so many followers and how did you did to get notice by publishers?.

    thanks for the give away.

  19. Happy Birthday, James! I wish you all the best books in the world!

    Question: What book/books would you take on a long plane ride?

    Stay awesome!


  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have the best 25th birthday in the history of 25th birthdays!
    My question is when and if you do procrastinate, what activity or thing made you want to procrastinate?
    To break it down, What are you usually doing when you're procrastinating? LOL.

  21. arrrrggggh...I wish I lived in North America :-( I've been dying to read these books !! I can't participate then but I have a question : will you have contests open internationally in the near future ;p ?
