Monday, January 31, 2011

Meandering Monday (8)

On Saturday, I stopped by my local library to drop off some ARCs that I didn't need anymore, either because I knew I would never get to them or because I'd already read them and didn't want to keep them anymore. They'll be going somewhere really good, like to a juvenile detention center or maybe to some lower-income area as part of a program they do.

I met with the head of the Youth Services department, Lorry, and she introduced me to a lady who deals with their acquisitions. We got to chat for a few minutes and they asked about my blog, what got me into YA, and how I started getting review copies. It was really fun; both of them were really nice. They did also ask how their YA section looked to me. It's a pretty good section and I do enjoy browsing- it's fun seeing what books they get, especially since I know the authors and see the books on all the blogs I frequent. It's hard for me to check out books because I already have so many and so I never get to them.

However, that didn't stop me though from checking out two books after chatting with the Youth Services ladies. I picked up The Alpha Bet by Stephanie Hale and 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson. I gasped when I saw The Alpha Bet because I've been wanting to read it so badly but hadn't seen it anywhere. As for 13, I want to re-read it before The Last Little Blue Envelope comes out in May. I'm really excited for this sequel. I love Maureen Johnson. I also got to read an excerpt from Perfect by Ellen Hopkins in the back of her Identical paperback- looking forward to that as well cuz I love Ellen's books so much.

But anyway, I had a wonderful time chatting with my local librarians and hopefully I'll get to do it again soon. I'm still not done going through all my bookshelves looking for ARCs and final copies of books to donate. I'll need to do a HUGE reorganizing session again sometime soon.

What do you all do with ARCs you don't want or need anymore? I know I'm not the only one with overflowing bookshelves.


  1. Wow - sounds like you had loads of fun at the library. I just wish that they'd give you a job there!!!! I never get arcs so I don't have a problem with that, but with my regular books that I don't have room for, I normally pass them onto friends (especially ones with teenage daughters!!!)

  2. I work in two libraries, so I donate my ARCs to the one at which I'm the Youth Services Coordinator. I have a special shelf there where our library's teens can borrow an ARC - they can keep it or return it if they want to spread the wealth. With final copies of books that I don't feel the need to hold on to I donate to one of the two libraries, either to add to the collection or to sell at the Friends of the Library book sales. Sometimes I give my books away to friends instead, but I like to support the libraries where I work - makes me feel like I have more control of collection development than I actually do. :)

  3. When I was at the library last week I saw that they had a bin for donations, so I may take some ARCS in to them. I don't get many, but I'd rather the library have them than they take up space on my shelf.

    That's wonderful that you were able to connect with the librarians!

  4. That is so awesome your library has a program you can do that with! I don't have many ARCs--just from winning contests or finding the sporadic one at local thrift stores--but I like to pass them on to friends or send them to people who watch my reviews on YouTube. I like to make sure they get shared (I like to do that with most of my books that I'm not going to keep). For books that I can't really pass on I donate them to a local thrift store--my mom is friends with the owner and things are tight, so I like to feel even if it's small, my donation is helping support someone.

  5. I LOVE the library and seeing how I am librarian, I love them too!

    Okay, we give away most of our ARCs to a local kids program, or we give them to friends or we keep them.

  6. I keep most of my ARCs. My bookshelves might scare you, lol.
