Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Author Interview- Elizabeth Eulberg

I'm still running a contest (US only!) until midnight on Jan. 29 for two hardcover copies of Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg! Comment there to get entered and then comment here (with a substantial comment please, not just "Extra entry!" or whatever) to gain an extra entry! Now, enjoy this interview with the wonderful Elizabeth Eulberg:

1) How did you get the idea for Prom and Prejudice?

I was talking to a friend about Pride and Prejudice and its influence over pop culture today (Bridget Jones's Diary and the Bollywood movie Bride and Prejudice). I started to think if the story could be retold for teens, but teens aren't really "in want" of husbands (or at least shouldn't be!!). I was in the middle of writing The Lonely Hearts Club, which is about not putting a guy before your girlfriends, so I thought it would be a bad message to have them "in want" of boyfriends. So what else do girls needs guys for in high school? Prom! And the title Prom and Prejudice came to me and I knew that would be my next book!

2) What are you working on now? Can you tell us anything about it?

I'm working hard on my third novel (still untitled). I'm really excited about it. It takes place in a very competitive performing arts high school in New York City. I've always been fascinated with performing arts schools because of my love of music. In doing research on them, I realized how much extra pressure the students have - on top of "normal" homework, they have practice pieces, auditions, rehearsals, performances, etc. So my novel examines how that atmosphere affects four different students' relationships.

3) Your bio talks about your love of travel- how you did it a lot as a kid with your family and continue to do some today. What were your favorite and least favorite places to visit? Where would you like to visit next and why?

I think Australia is my favorite place, I love it there - the Great Barrier Reef, Whitsunday islands, Sydney... But I also love Argentina, Greek islands, Italy... I have too many favorites!! It's hard to say what my least favorite place to visit is, I usually end up finding something to enjoy in each city! I really want to travel to Chile and explore Ireland more, I've been to Dublin twice, but want to explore the Irish countryside. Plus, I just can't resist that Irish accent...

4) What is your favorite Jelly Belly jelly bean flavor (or flavors, if you're so inclined)?

Hands down cherry! Great, now I've got a craving... :)

5) What book(s) are you reading now, or are about to start?

My to-read pile is pretty embarrassing. I can't read when I'm writing (since I should be spending that precious free time writing!). But the book on the top of my to-read pile which I'll be taking with me on the road for some Prom and Prejudice events is Mini-Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. I love those books and went to her signing to get the book...three months ago!

6) Having worked in the publishing industry and as a published author yourself, what advice do you have for aspiring authors?

Definitely to write for yourself. I'm always asked, "I have an idea for a book, how do I get it published?" Some people have a tendency to focus on the publishing part and get overwhelmed before they even write. So just write! Don't write what you think will sell. Write what interests you. You are going to have to write and rewrite, read and reread your novel at least dozens of times. So focus on writing the best draft you can, then look into getting an agent. It can be an overwhelming process, but like with anything challenging, taking it one step at a time will help a lot. (I have a series of blogs on my website called "Behind the Book" where I talk about each step of the publishing process, which aspiring authors might find helpful:


  1. Great interview! The performing arts school book idea sounds great. I'm going to have to check out THE LONELY HEARTS CLUB and PROM AND PREJUDICE.

    And not trying to sound like a creeper, but Elizabeth's author pic is GORGEOUS!

  2. Oh, I love the story behind Prom and Prejudice's inspiration! How creative!

    The WIP sounds great, too! (And how lucky you are to get to travel so much! *dreamy sigh*)
