Through Her Eyes by Jennifer Archer
"The last place Tansy Piper wants to be is stuck in Cedar Canyon, Texas, in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of small-town kids. But when her mother decides to move to the desolate West Texas town, Tansy has no choice but to go along. Once there, Tansy is immediately drawn to the turret of their rickety old house, a place she soon learns has a disturbing history. But its the strange artifacts she finds in the cellar--a pocket watch, a journal of poetry, and a tiny crystal--that have the most chilling impact on her.
Tansy soon finds that through the lens of her camera, she can become part of a surreal black-and-white world where her life is intertwined with that of mysterious, troubled Henry, who lived in the same house and died decades earlier. It seems their lives are linked by fate and the artifacts she found, but as Tansy begins spending more and more time in the past, her present world starts to fade away. Tansy must untangle herself from Henry's dangerous reality-- before she loses touch with her own life forever"- summary from Amazon
This is just a short review since this book won't be out until next April. In fact, I'm already planning on using this book for my Fresh New Voice of YA series, if Jennifer agrees, of course. So you'll all get to hear much more about this book in April when a full review will go up. It's just a wonderful debut YA novel. This is a spooky book and gets very creepy as the story goes on.
Characters are fully fleshed out and have their own secrets and motives for how they act, which get revealed as the book goes on. The setting is also completely realized and is almost its own character, and also really adds another layer to the townsfolk that Tansy meets and interacts with throughout the book.
This is definitely a book to keep an eye out for. It will be out on April 5, 2011.
Sounds excellent. I'll definitely keep an eye out for it come April!