Friday, November 12, 2010

Fragment Friday- Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King

Fragment Friday is a weekly meme hosted here on this blog where you read an excerpt from either your current read or one of your favorite books and post it on your blog to share with others! It's a fun way to learn about new books or to hear a sample from a book you're dying to read.

Today, I'm reading from Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King. Please ignore the odd ending to the excerpt reading- I had to deal with something going down with a temporary dog we have that I hadn't expected her to do. Then I didn't have time to re-do the video. So there you go, lol. But hey, it's a short one at only 4 minutes!

Put your link down in the Mr. Linky below!


  1. Omg! This is a great book. I want read this book. Great Fragment Friday James.

    Karlinha- Coffie and Movies.

  2. I have this one at home to read here shortly. I can't wait! Thanks.
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  3. I love your cats! Cat Party Fragment Friday!

  4. I hope you dig the book, James!
    And HEY!!!
    I have TWO stops in DC/VA in January.
    Hooray for Books & Politics and Prose!
