Friday, November 5, 2010

Fragment Friday- Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John

Fragment Friday is a weekly meme hosted here on this blog where you read an excerpt from either your current read or one of your favorite books and post it on your blog to share with others! It's a fun way to learn about new books or to hear a sample from a book you're dying to read.

Today, I'm reading from Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John, which will be out on November 11! Hope you all enjoy!

Put your link down in the Mr. Linky below!


  1. @ James

    I think you've accomplished your goal in promoting this book. I haven't heard anything about it until now, but I'm definitely interested! *writes down FFoD on tbr list* Great vlog! And your cat is so, so adorable! :)


  2. @ James,

    You're absolutely, 100% welcome. I really like this meme. And yeah, I can't wait to finish it. But, like you, I still have to read her first book. I'm a little behind myself. Lol.

    And thanks for the heads up. I'm so clumsy sometimes, but to my credit, it WAS almost four o'clock in the morning when I did this. xD!

    Don't worry! Fragment Friday will grow!


  3. Thanks so much for that awesome reading! I know this is hard to believe, but that's the first time I've heard any of DUMB in a US accent! Seriously, every time I read a passage to myself it sounds like I'm channeling Hannibal Lecter. It's such a relief to know that it sounds, well . . . American, when it's narrated by an, um . . . American. Thanks!!!
